what the hell is this about?

Several friends have embarked on their own P365 journey but as I have no camera nor an eye for photography I've decided to try to complete "a doodle a day" for an entire year. Most will be in my little Derwent A5 sketch book but some could end up being from the corner of some document or scribbled on a newspaper. As the year progresses I will try my hand at inking them as well?

If some of them don't make sense, don't worry, they're probably not meant to. You may notice there will be certain themes along the way and if you know me you'll know why.

I hope you enjoy.

Okay, here goes, every day til I'm 39.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day #128 - Robility chairs

for some reason lately I've been thinking a lot about mobility chairs, maybe because I've been threatening Dad that I'll buy him one (yes Dad I know you'll read this).

as well as that lately you know I've had a one track mind and I was messing around trying to figure out how best to do the "feet" mechanism of a mecha, trying to draw tank tracks that can move like 3 fingers/feet sort of thing, then just for fun I attached them to a chair, then I got the idea for a new futuristic mobility chair, or wheelchair, they surely have to evolve?

So about twenty minutes later I had drawn the middle one, then I thought, hmm, that looks a lot like the robot from Short Circuit with Wall-E's arms and a chair (with controls and rearview mirror)

Then I got carried away.......

So, I made it like a marketing brochure for "Robility chairs"* (patent pending)

So here they are;

from La-Z-Boy comes the La-Z-ED209-Boy offering all the classic comfort of our patented recliners and add to that the comfort of a Sherman tank at your beckon call, imagine strolling down the street in this baby and being confronted by some young punks trying to jack your wallet? what would you do? well, in the past you'd get beaten and lose your money, jewelery and your chair. Fear no more, the La-Z-ED209-Boy would take over and offer those punks 20 seconds to comply.
As La-Z-Boy's motto states "Comfort. it's what we do."

Second in line is the chair for the active man whom no longer has the agility he once had, with it's patented tri-track foot system and tri-finger actuators the WALL-E-5 is most definitely alive, it'll allow you to get up and dance to the BeeGees again and unlike the La-Z-Boy offering this robility chair can go down stairs.

And lastly but certainly not least is the jewel in the crown of robility chairs, hailing from the factories of Geonosis is the Imperial Probe Chair,it's the "sightseer" of chairs, it has the ability to fly in any direction without any means of propulsion and this baby will handle re-entry without affecting performance, it can also sustain huge impacts although it is prone to self destruct.

okay, I went a little bit crazy tonight, but hey, aren't we all a little nuts from time to time?

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