what the hell is this about?

Several friends have embarked on their own P365 journey but as I have no camera nor an eye for photography I've decided to try to complete "a doodle a day" for an entire year. Most will be in my little Derwent A5 sketch book but some could end up being from the corner of some document or scribbled on a newspaper. As the year progresses I will try my hand at inking them as well?

If some of them don't make sense, don't worry, they're probably not meant to. You may notice there will be certain themes along the way and if you know me you'll know why.

I hope you enjoy.

Okay, here goes, every day til I'm 39.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day #311 - Washed up

After playing basketball tonight (for the last time on thursdays) I came home, had a shower, ate dinner, played a little PS3 and then decided what to draw.

Vic was watching American Idol and Hulk Hogan was on it, so I thought I'd draw a washed up wrestler, it started as Hulk then got Rick Flair in it and eventually went with a little Randy Macho Man Savage, now it looks like none of them.

Oh well, I think I made him look a little like a bulldog too?

Tired now, going to bed.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day #310 - interrupted

Tonight I was drawing a sort of mecha power suit but about half way through Mika woke up and refused to go back to bed, she was having bad dreams so the only place that she'd settle was on the lounge watching Under Siege, so when I turned the TV off she threw a tanty again, eventually she went to sleep and my drawing was left incomplete.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day #309 - Judge Death

I have been battling some nasty headaches lately and today was no exception, I could barely keep my eyes open and the throb throb throb seems to never leave me.

Unfortunately I think the only permanent fix for headaches is death and I'm not quite ready for that yet, well hopefully I'll be able to see my kids into their mid to late 20s at the least.

It got me thinking about 3 things to draw, either a gargoyle, Skeletor or Judge Death.

I settled on Judge Death, I think I'll probably draw the other two sometime in these last 56.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day #308 - no longer the Mermaids!

tonight was the semi final for basketball and although we lost we played hard and gave it our best shot.

I was proud to call myself a Marauder and am extremely thankful for being asked to be part of this team.

First season together and we finished 3rd! what an amazing result, considering we have never played together before our second season will only get better!

Thanks guys, hold your heads high!

For we are the Marauders!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day #307 - a lazy entry

Today whilst watching the formula 1 with the kids we had a little drawing time to keep them from going mental, Hawk picked the picture we'd draw and all three of us would draw it.

So I doodled this out whilst watching about 15 laps, mostly during ad breaks.

Mika scribbled through about 4 pages and Hawk decided to draw his car with 6 wheels then filled the rest of the page with shapes, he blew me away with one of the shapes though, a 5 pointed star in proportion! I know a lot of adults that couldn't draw one of those, hell I struggle and have to visualise the lines crossing over, I imagine a star fleet insignia with an upside down obtuse triangle through the middle.

Oh, i just figured it out, my thinking isn't exactly normal so his brain is like mine concentrated.

He also drew a cool little face with "Psycho Stick" eyes.

Anyway, after dragging my arse around the zoo yesterday and then around Woolies today I think I'll just count this one as today's doodle even though it's crap.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day #306 - Giraffe

today we went to the Zoo, it wasn't as sad as the last two times, in fact the animals didn't look upset at all oh, except for the Snow Leopard.

I asked Mika what she wanted to see when we got there and the first thing that she said that she wanted to see was the Giraffe, it was raining and the Giraffes were hiding away from the rain but still in plain view. Mix thought the funniest thing was that one of the Giraffes was licking the wall with his big blue tongue.

Later in the arvo she tripped over and grazed her chin which made her sad and sore all night so I thought I'd draw a picture of the Giraffe with his big tongue out to try to get that wicked little laugh out of her in the morning and return some happiness to beautiful little angel.

I hope she likes it.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day #305 - Keenlyside you lose!

Today Fluey and I went for our morning coffee (cheeky fookas coffee break minus Martin) to the home of the "velvety goodness".

You see we love our coffee but not that tasteless cheap crap so it's nigh impossible to find a good coffee place in decent proximity to where you work, well, when I work in Parramatta it is actually impossible as the Campos coffee place closed. And when you do find a good place then you become as loyal as crack addict to a crack dealer.

after some years I eventually (thanks to Gino) stumbled upon the Lobby, which is in the lobby of the Telstra building, they don't make the world's greatest coffee but we found that the consistency is always good, i.e. you never walk away disappointed and the taste is better than most other places around.

Then one day an article in SMH was asking people where the best coffee in Sydney was, we knew it wasn't around us as we'd already found the best place. A large percentage of the votes went to a place called Mecca.
Intrigued as much as Charlie Sheen at a porn star convention (or a mirror shop) I decided to look up where the "Mecca" existed.

To our amazement it was 1 block away on King st!

So that Friday we decided to go.

After waiting in line for about 10 minutes and then another 15 for the coffee we were getting the feeling that this coffee was something special. Not to mention "Dr Cameron" taking the orders making the whole wait not so bad.
Once we had the coffee in our mitts we decided to give it a try.....

It was like drinking velvet! I'd never experienced a coffee this good, we were feeling as Lindsay Lohan would having discovered Pablo Escobar's personal stash.

As it takes so long to get a coffee from there we decided that it is only warranted on special occasions unfortunately and unfortunately for Martin today was one of those special occasions.

I'd love to tell him that it tasted terrible but that would just be a lie and I hate liars.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day #304 - Have you seen him?

Today I pay homage to my roots, you know what they say "once a skater, always a skater" and it's so true. Not a day passes where I don't think about skating past or present.

I wanted to try to combine two of the big powerhouses in skating in my years, Powell Peralta and Santa Cruz.

I loved the Bones Brigade but I thought the Powell decks were a bit shit, well, especially when you compared them to the Santa Cruz boards, the SC decks just had more pop, the Powell decks seemed to flex too much and over time the concave would go flat, in fairness though they lasted long enough to go flat whereas an SC deck would disintegrate steadily over a couple of months and before you knew it they had no tail, same goes for Vision (Gonz decks were easily the best for street).

But how could you go past the Santa Cruz range, their artist is one of my biggest influences, Jom Phillips is second to none in the surf/skate/rock industry for illustration, he invented the Santa Cruz logo and branding, he designed the logo for international trucks and he drew the greatest piece of skate art ever in the Screaming Hand. He is still going today and his style is faultless.

I can guarantee that every single kid that skated in the 80s was emblazoned with his artwork, the Roskopp face, the Hosoi rocket air, the Cellblock skates, Slimeballs, Speed Wheels, Indy's, Santa Cruz, the list just goes on and on.

I never grow tired of looking through his work.

Then on the flip was Powell, the marketing megamachine, they too had 1 artist V. Courtland Johnson whom was/is phenomenal, he drew skulls better than anyone I've seen before or since and he was responsible for my all time favourite graphic which is the Hawk Skull on the iron cross background, Tony Hawk's 2nd pro model graphic and his highest selling board of all time. Truly an epic piece.

What's more amazing is that these guys had no internet for reference, nor peers producing the same type of stuff and they had to produce art the would easily translate for screen printing and not look crappy.

What's probably the saddest for me is that these companies would have made squillions from these works with very little ever getting back to the original artist.

This is my poor imitation of Jim's Cellblock Skates piece although I tried to substitute Animal Chin instead of the convict.

The more I look at it the less I like it.

Oh Well.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day #303 - smells like chicken

um, I wanted to draw a fish for a while but didn't know why.

I'll draw the nautilus for Jules soon too.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day #302 - Car for Hawk

last night Hawk drew a car from a picture he had in one of his books, I loved it because it was a different angle to what kids normally draw, he put a rickety old building next to it as well.

I love his creativity, not bound by any constraints, could have a robot, a car, a building, lasers, then just some random letters and numbers.
To us adults it might just look like some random crap but when he explains it it becomes a story on a page, this type of thinking is what we get trained not to do and then we study for years to get it back.

It really doesn't hurt to be a little abstract in your thinking, in fact I think it releases you.

Anyway, Hawk asked me to draw the car so I did, not as free flowing and creative as his but it was fun to draw and I think he'll like it.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day #301 - Falling or Flying?

for the last 3 days I've had a constant headache, burning eyes and my joints are killing me.

today my digestive system caused me grief and I let my basketball team down by not being able to play.

I think I might have a virus.

Lately I've been thinking about perception and interpretation, how as individuals we are all unique in the different ways that decide the way things are. These politicians on the tele, at the train stations and on the radio are all about trying to make us decide by trying to cloud our perceptions, steering us with slight of hand away from the real issues and only focusing on the stuff that they want us to.

We've proven ourselves incompetent to elect a government on all levels yet we are so ignorant the we whine about how crap the incumbent is yet we put them there. We are doomed to repeat history because we learn nothing from it and ignore it.

The key factors that I feel need to be addressed are, the condition of our trains (they move around 50% of the country's workforce daily), the hospitals, they've been neglected for over a decade and badly need to be sorted out and lastly our energy supply, how on earth are we being charged more for something we are using less of?

That's it, address all those 3 and I'll vote for you.

In fact, just one, the hospitals.

The way that the nurses are treated is appalling, we trust these people with our lives yet we don't supply them with the resources they require to do their jobs. disgusting really.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day #299 - the wash out

Hawk's soccer was washed out this morning and he was so disappointed.

I'm loving how excited he is this year about soccer and he is putting in a lot as well, becoming the solid defender that us Wartons are.

Anyway, it got me thinking about a scene from Totoro when the little girls are waiting for the bus bringing their father home.

So I banged this out, sort of captures what I was after without any polish.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day #298 - where I'd rather be #2

this is where I'd rather be this weekend, I would love to have this exact scene for the weekend but alas I'll have to settle for just the hammock.

maybe some ciders instead of the coconut drink..

and as for the sand and palm trees............ah crap I haven't got a substitute for those.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day #297 - Happy St Paddy's day

I felt guilty about going to a concert at the Enmore and not trying to catch up with Ashie for a drink beforehand.

Especially on St Pats.

Kieran, I hope you had a day full of, um, merriment!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day #296 - Secure Gateway

Couldn't think of what to draw tonight so I decided to throw in this nerd joke.

I know it's corny but I don't care...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day #294 - Van Morgan

If there was ever a man born for his job it was Van Morgan, he was a natural motivator and had a keen eye to spot a person’s ability and their thresholds.

He was a risk taker, he loved the thrill of life but most of all loved service.

Naturally he joined the armed forces as soon as he was allowed, he was an exemplary student, he studied hard and trained even harder, he motivated his peers and drove his team from within.

He served through 3 campaigns, each very successful with Van’s unit the best of the Special Forces, they survived through the extremes of the elements and pain thresholds of the charts.

Unfortunately for Van though, he was captured on a solo mission of this last campaign and during his capture he was tortured to give up information, as Van’s team were so heavily motivated by this man they refused to let him suffer at the hands of the enemy and planned a magnificent rescue, one that Van would be proud of. They managed to rescue Van and destroy all of his captors but not before they had removed one of Van’s legs, 2 fingers and one of his eyes.

The military though didn’t want to lose Van and he didn’t wish to retire so they placed him where his guidance and experience could reap the most benefit, Van was made a drill sergeant.

Van was the meanest looking drill sergeant in history, two fingers missing on his right hand (the trigger and the bird), an eye patch (he refused the painful ocular implants) and a cybernetic leg.

But he was a natural, he could see the good in people.

One of his fondest students was what you would commonly call a clutz, young Private McNeil would get himself into such a tangle with things, but he’d try so hard, Van had a soft spot for him.

Van gave him a nickname, he called him ‘Wrench’ and private McNeil was told it was because he was tougher than tough nuts but really Van called him that because he was as dumb as a wrench but a useful tool. He told ‘Wrench’ to go to the motor pool for his chance at service, so ‘Wrench did just that.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day #293 - Hank Morgan

Just like his brother Van he wanted serve, but unlike Van he wasn't looking for adventure, Van went to the military (the most dangerous occupation in the world) and Hank went into the law enforcement industry (the safest occupation in the world).

Law enforcement enrolment suffered a massive decline around the year 2100, in fact, it took almost totally anarchy before the government stepped in. In the 21st century Central America lost its Local Law Enforcement through assassination surrounding the drug industry, this opened the floodgates and the adjoining states of America started losing local law enforcement officers the same way, as the pay was fairly low the risk was too high for most. All that was left was the easily corruptible and the spineless.

The introduction of the total body armour uniforms and a license to kill saw the job of a policeman become highly sought after, the body armour was impervious to all things, even radiation. It would not be uncommon to see Police officers in their mid to late 80s and 90s.

Although the pay was still very low the benefits easily balanced the ledger, the government took out contracts with local fast food franchises to supply all meals as they had to feed their staff 24/7. There were 5 major food and beverage chains at which any officer at any time of the day or night could enter and have their pick of the menu, unfortunately the menus were very bland but they did provide every meal if you weren't picky.

Hank had a sweet life, his closest friend was Raj the local Pizza House owner, Hank spent most evenings there dining, his personal life was about service though, he had no time for a significant other nor a pet. The closest he came to family (apart from Van) was a little cactus that he kept in his living room, he would keep it in the kitchen but he doesn't have a kitchen as he has no need for storing food. His apartment was a one roomer, bed in the corner, one window, a reclining sofa chair and a view-screen, he had a bathroom in a small attached en suite.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day #292 - Raj Mahendran

Unlike his brother the surgeon, or his sister the computer programmer or his baby brother the taxi driver Raj had other dreams for his career.

He wanted to be an entrepreneur, he had a sound finance background and the innate ability to work 18 hour days for a cheap rate than the next guy.

So Raj soon found himself to be a proud owner of a restaurant in a fast food chain, the idea was to set this one up and then branch out until he had his own network of fast food restaurants.

There was one slight problem. His product was crap, in fact if it weren't for the government contracts for food supply his business would surely go under.

Raj being the financial whizz that he was decided to change his product, he knew that he couldn't be that much different to Mario's World Famous and they seemed to always be full and they charged 10 times what Raj did.

So Raj tried to change his dough, but unfortunately as all of his base comes premixed from headquarters he had to add to that in order to make any changes. I failed miserably.

And when he finally did create a better tasting base he still only had the tasteless genetically modified toppings to place on top.

Raj really loved the local law enforcement guys, Hank Morgan, the local police chief would keep Ra's business afloat by consuming 100 large Pizzas a week within his department. Of course they hated the food but it was the only thing that could be supplied to them under the government contract that Raj had. In fact it was Hank whom originally convinced Raj to change the dough. Hank and his department survived on Donuts and Pizza House pizza, no wonder organised crime was rampant.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day #291 - Mario

The things that are valued most these days are the traditional things.

For example, the most coveted cocaine is the Columbian 'Blue', the most coveted Haggis is the X-B Brand, the Francanamese bread, the Grana Padano cheese, vegetables of the Newppies and of course in the city of Chicago the Pizza of Mario's World Famous.

It wasn't cheap to make the pure traditional but it also wasn't cheap to buy, in fact, the more traditional, the more expensive.

A regular Margherita pizza from Mario's World Famous would set you back $1100 take away, eat in was $200 more.

Mario came from a long line of Marios, in fact he was the 14th Mario son of a Mario, each Mario was passed down the family recipes. Mario was already teaching his son (Mario) the finer points of pizza making, the secret was in the dough. The family motto was 'the dough is in the dough'.

And it's true, this is the one place where a pizza is defined, it provides the basis from where the meal evolves.

The Indian and Pakistani "Pizza House tm" franchisees just couldn't grasp this concept and ultimately that is why they never truly made the big bucks. Raj Mahendran, the local "Pizza House tm" franchisee tried to reverse engineer Mario's dough, but instead used generic products and no grounded technique for making the dough and kept ending up with tough cardboard dough or a gooey mess.

Mario's World Famous is truly World Famous but only in Chicago and that's because that is the only place it exists.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day #290 - Don Carluccio

Wheels of cheese are a powerful thing, especially when they are the most sought after wheels in the world and if you control the wheels you are a very powerful person indeed.

Little Luca Carluccio was born into a position of power, his father before him and back for 18 generations controlled the world of Grana Padano Parmesan cheese.

Now was Luca's turn and next his son will take over.

He was the Don, but this Mafia was not about expansion but only protection. When the Chinese started exporting cheese to Europe the Don wasn't entirely sure how to manage it, he'd heard of a rogue pirate whom protected their interests, he got word to X-Beard and the protection racket came into play.

the Don's cheese had a world network and one particular customer was a little Chicago Pizzeria, Mario's World Famous (well, really just famous in the City area)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day #289 - X-Beard

Not much is known about his true identity but we do know how his piracy days begun, you see, X-Beard came from a long family of Haggis makers, in fact they were the only Haggis makers in the region and therefore their recipe and manufacturing process was a family secret. X-Beard is a twin, his brother and he ran the business.
The Francanamese though saw that this was a niche market where they could thrive in Europe and be able to impart a large profit margin, so, they reverse engineered one of the X-Beard Haggis and started making a a cheap replica back in Asia, they would flood the European market with it making X-Beard's family legacy almost worthless.

So, X-Beard hit the seas to stop the transports. his infamy rose and the Haggis imports ceased. When X-Beard heard of a young Francanamese pirate moving up the ranks in the waters of Europe he changed his focus. He soon dominated the seas and became the most powerful pirate in the region, although, he only targeted areas and businesses that competed with traditional European markets. The Chinese imported a Grana Padano imitation into Europe and X-Beard shut them down, he now had a favour owed to him by Don Carluccio whom controlled the local Italian market for parmesan.

X-Beard never returned to the Haggis business as his twin had the legacy and X-Beard's legacy would be to protect traditional European interests.

He was a hero for the region.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day #288 - Jammie

She always knew how things worked, it was like she could communicate with machines and troubleshoot any issue that arose.

She had no formal training it was pure instinct.

Jammie started life as in the shadow of her mother, a pinup model for the autonautical industry and Jammie was to follow in her footsteps but growing up around all that machinery instead of the normal kids toys her mind developed in a way like no other, it was like being able to speak a different language, machine language.

At age 6 Jammie was already repairing discarded machines that people thought were ruined beyond repair, Jammie just had this innate ability to analyse the issue and rectify it. She didn’t understand how to build things from scratch but would analyse a constructed machine and be able to understand how it worked together.

This is the only education that she had so it was natural for her to seek out a future away from society but where she could use her skills to keep her alive.

Being the engineer on a pirate vessel was the perfect role, nobody would question her judgement and she would be the most valuable resource on the ship.

Jammie would spend her entire adult life on the oceans serving several captains, her favourite of which was X-Beard (ten beard), he was a Scottish descendent of the Picts, a natural warrior with a strong sense of family. X-Beard became the most feared pirate in the European seas after he plundered ‘the Starters’ unsinkable vessel and beheaded 4 of the gang, he kept the quirky engineer as she had a loyalty to the machine and not the captain which he knew was a priceless commodity and would make a perfect addition to his crew.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day #287 - Michel Truong

The boy that played in the rain, a true Francanamese named young boy, became a pirate.

He dominated the seas in his stealth boat, he was the most feared pirate in the European waters, as his vessel was mad entirely from plastic and had non reflective matte paint it was nearly impossible to spot and when running in silent mode on the Dyson bladeless propulsion system it would travel swiftly and silently across the seas targeting unknowing cruise ships and bulk container tranports, these were easy prey as they had no human controllers.

Michel had a band of 5, no more and no less.

Michel (the Captain)

Bunk (his cabin boy)

Chef (the galley man)

Artill (the weapons expert)

Jammie (the engineer)

They called themselves ‘the Starters’

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day #286 - Dmitri (from Paris)

If he had a choice, he’d have the old France back, the one he heard tales of that had been passed down from generation to generation, in his mind they needed a new revolution but his people had such low population numbers due to centuries of ‘breed out’ performed that it meant that the French were really a people that no longer existed, gone the way of the New Zealanders and the Australians, now known only as Indonesia.

Dmitri knew nothing of the world though as all he knew was the ways of the French aristocracy, he longed to be a simple baker in a Francanamese Bread Shop selling pork rolls but his conscience wouldn’t allow him, he was French after all.

He performed the only task that he could to keep the French legacy alive, to train these ‘invaders’ in the ways of the French aristocracy, which in itself was tarnished as it hadn’t progressed or developed at all in over 400 years.

Dmitri was a bitter person and his job didn’t help, he could see he was trading away his history but his patriotism to the greater nation and the fact that he couldn’t get any other employment meant he had no choice.

He remembered the young boy from his neighbourhood Michel Truong and how he used to play in the rain, Dmitri was never allowed in the rain.

Dmitri would often find himself envious of Michel but then his inner pride would take back control of his emotions.

Dmitri decided that he would not place this burden upon another soul and decided to have himself sterilised so that he could bare no offspring.

Upon Dmitri’s passing the authorities sent a sample and a request off to Jairo’s facility in Brazil.

Dmitri was reborn.

His legacy lives on.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day #285 - Mathilde Nguyen

Back in the year 2222 the then French nation decided that it needed a more significant place in the Asian market. To try to set this up they looked at several possibilities but eventual fell upon Vietnam as there were strong ties to their past and a good history between the two nations. Over the next 20 years they developed the first ‘Marriage of Nations’ on Earth, this is where the two economies merged, the Franc and the Dong became the new currency called ‘the Francong’ and the nation became known as Francanam and the people as the Francanamese. These changes were also implemented into the French Provinces of Quebec and New Caledonia. Francanam had become an instant player in the world economy, they had the power and prestige of the French combined with the dogged tenacity of the Vietnamese. The existing French aristocracy always thought that they’d have dominance over their ‘lesser’ countrymen but after the first 150 years they would see themselves reduced to less than 5% of the population. The aristocrats couldn’t breed like their Vietnamese brothers and became the absolute minority. They only place they still controlled to a certain degree was the diplomat roles as they were more readily accepted by other Europeans, but this too change in the next few decades, the Vietnamese language had gone the way of Latin and French was the dominant tongue.

Mathilde was born and raised with the ultimate goal of being the Francanamese Ambassador to the US, she was multi-lingual (as all diplomats needed to be) and was schooled in Paris, from the age of 6 she was schooled in the ways of the office, her mind was based on strategy and bullshit, the two key factors of any diplomat.

Her etiquette teacher (a descendent of the French aristocracy), Dmitri (from Paris himself) taught her the correct manner for all things from high tea to military nous, she had to learn to carry herself like a true Frenchman with, poise, arrogance and a disdain for anything that didn’t better the proud nation(s) of Francanam.

She nailed it and the Francanamese nation maintained a strong footing in the most complex nation on Earth.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day #284 - Bubbles

Kenny 'Bubbles' Appleyard is one of 4 boys, the youngest. His mother was a music teacher and Bubbles was her only son that had an interest in music. Music is one of the only static things left in the world and practitioners are held in the highest regard as live music died out centuries ago being replaced with electronic synthesised computer generated music.
To get a band to play live music would be something short of a miracle in the common world as there were only a handful of bands in the US, they were difficult to book and expensive as hell.
Bubbles was the leader of Appleyard 5, a 5 piece Jazz band. Their instruments were relics worthy of a museum.

Their sound was like nothing that you could synthesise, it was so organic and full of body.

Fame didn't really follow the band as their only appeal was live music and only in certain circles, i.e. ones that could afford to book them and also afford the license to allow them to play.

In saying that though, the Appleyard 5 was booked solid all year round.

Bubbles had plenty of stories about the different gigs that they'd played, the most famous of which was for the Francanamese Ambassador's birthday but Bubble's favourite gig was the one that he played for a little 15 year old boy, the payment that he received was second to none as it resulted in the most beautiful instrument he'd ever seen, little JJ Up.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day #283 - Delores Upright

Delores met Dudley when he was the local rep for the pharmaceutical giant, he was only 30 and so pretty, he really took care of himself.
He romanced her right off her feet and they were married in no time at all, although they were 10 years apart in age it didn't seem to affect their relationship.
But after about 5 months of marriage Delores figured out that she was a trophy wife.
There purely as a show piece for when there were functions to attend.
Dudley kept rising through the company ranks and she was left at home to raise the children and on occasion entertain guests.
The first two children were biologically Dudley's but the next three had different fathers. Of course Dudley knew about these indiscretions but he didn't care, she'd done her job and he was now the head of operations in Brazil.
Delores' appetite for men knew little bounds, she was a bit of a nymphomaniac, in fact with the cocktail of prescription drugs at her disposal which would cure any ailment she had no fear and would pretty much have her way with whomever she chose too. The 3rd child's father was Ortiz, he was a Plumber whom Delores hired to re-pipe her abode, it was a 2 month job that took two years, Ortiz wasn't a very good plumber but he was very good in other departments. The 4th child was the product of a whim, Delores went to buy a new vehicle and decided to do the salesman to get a better deal and a few extra options, she got the bonus plan. The youngest child whose name was Jazz Jones Upright is by-product of an affair she had with the saxophonist in the band that she got to play her eldest son's 15th birthday party.
Kenny 'Bubbles' Appleyard is the father of Jazz Jones Upright, or as he affectionately calls him "JJ Up"
Delores remains a trophy wife but with the aid of the drugs remains as beautiful in her 50s as she did in her 20s, she spends her days attending to her gentlemen callers.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day #282 - Dudley Upright

Dudley was a natural capitalist which made him the perfect head of operations for Pfizer Brazil, Pfizer is one of the world's oldest companies now over 600 years old. How did they survive? well they have a brilliant marketing team, they concentrated their core business on niche products targeted at people's vanity.
It started with the erectile disfunction drug, this was developed by accident, they were searching for a drug that would assist sufferers of lung cancer by allowing the lungs to breathe air that is very thin but like so many inventions before it it had an interesting side effect. A prolonged erection. It became an instant best seller and a global marketing dream.
The next product was the MPB+ a cure for Male Pattern Baldness, the only negative side effect was that it made you impotent, of course you could just take the best seller and be back in business in no time.
Then came the breast enlarging pill, guaranteed to enlarge 2 cup sizes after the first week, they cleverly put in that you needed to continue taking the pill otherwise you'd return to your old original deflated self.
Erectile enlargement closely followed and it was bundled with the best seller giving a larger longer session.
Pfizer pretty much shut down their other operations to concentrate on this niche market as it only grew stronger in times of need and was a huge profit margin.
They still remained developing new drugs but apart from the cancer vaccine they developed and sold to all world governments there were no new significant discoveries.

Dudley was sent to look after Brazil because Brazil was where you could do what you please without fear of backlash.
Dudley prescribed to a number of the company products and for a man of 60 he looked in his mid twenties. His wife Delores whom lived back in their palatial manor in Louisiana raising their 5 children was a pin-up class lady, with an insatiable appetite for what Dudley couldn't provide her with from afar, he'd purchased her a companion doll and whilst this settle her hunger most of the time she'd been known to have gentlemen callers and even dabbled in the hired help. She had the dirtiest pool in the known universe.

As Dudley was hooked on vanity he was always juiced up to the eyeballs on a cocktail of Pfizer's best, he lost track of reality and the only thing that mattered to him was setting up Celebrity endorsements for the companies products and further development of the range. He setup Jairo's baby farm for merely that purpose, if he could supply celebrities with their own little clone of their own vanity he'd have their endorsements for life and everyone knew that with the state of the world's media having the celebrity endorsements meant the profit margins went through the roof, Pfizer's best product in Brazil was Jairo.

And Dudley owned him.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day #281 - Jairo Santos

Jairo as he was preferred to be called was always strong academically and wasn't in the slightest way possibly endowed with adequate motor skills. He got picked on and bullied all the time. His father decided at an early age to get him into self defense classes. Not that karate crap or in fact any Asian fighting, in the arrogant Brazillian way he knew there to be only one true martial art for his son and that was the only thing that a descendent of João Pereira dos Santos could practise.
Jairo was awkward and uncoordinated but like his academics he persisted. He took great pleasure in learning the history of the 'Secret Fighting' style, known nowadays a 'Sexy Dance Fighting' Capoeira was one of the pure things left in his country.
So, he studied and studied and studied. He obtained his doctorate at the Pfizer University of Rio, Pfizer had setup base there to tap into the copyright and patent free 3rd world country back in the late 22nd century. This was the world's top University when it came to genetic engineering and Jairo was top of his class, he was also now an accomplished Capoeira Mestre and had already taken over the local academy, he was 24, a Capoeira Mestre (the youngest in the last 300 years) and a Dr of Genetic Engineering.
What Jairo did next would change his life forever, he wanted to start his own Gym but lacked the startup capital, so through his contacts at the university he got in touch with Dudley Upright, the Brazillian head of the Pfizer brand, they liked to take the best graduates into their employ and would pay quite handsomely. Jairo had a plan though, they would allow him his Gym and he would allow them a genetic factory which he'd run gratis. There were only two conditions, firstly that he could run his gym every night and secondly that he worked alone.
They agreed.
In his first year Jairo manufactured 137 fetuses for Pfizer for which they would perform their testing, as Jairo had cloned himself he didn't see the harm in it. In his second year he became the Celebrity Baby Farm that he is today. He doesn't get any of the profit whatsoever but he does get to keep his gym going which is all he cares for.