what the hell is this about?

Several friends have embarked on their own P365 journey but as I have no camera nor an eye for photography I've decided to try to complete "a doodle a day" for an entire year. Most will be in my little Derwent A5 sketch book but some could end up being from the corner of some document or scribbled on a newspaper. As the year progresses I will try my hand at inking them as well?

If some of them don't make sense, don't worry, they're probably not meant to. You may notice there will be certain themes along the way and if you know me you'll know why.

I hope you enjoy.

Okay, here goes, every day til I'm 39.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day #273 - Sarah Kael

Sarah lived the party life, all through college she jumped from partner to partner sometimes simultaneously, she lived the college life.

Studying journalism at college was far from where she thought she’d be, nowadays journalism is completely without integrity, since the birth of the internet in the new millennium journalism became to most popular profession and through this true journalism died, the magnates got what they wanted, so many journalists would blog their opinions on things that it was impossible to tell fact from fiction any more, the wealthy employed the best ‘independent’ journalists to help persuade the masses into believing the hype, back around the turn of the century the old ‘rags’ started handing out their journalism documents free of charge at mass public transport junctions, they would pollute people’s minds with their filth, the moguls would sit back and laugh at how easy it was to control the masses, Journalistic control was a new form of religion. Print media and physical books died out around the year 2050, Libraries became solely ‘online entities’ and Journalists were now evangelists.

Sarah was a new evangelist, the power however was emotionally consuming. She would secretly put subliminal messages into her reports just for fun, and watch the reactions of the minions, now that everything was avatar driven in a virtual universe it was easy to conceal or over release emotion. She was a natural and sought after by the largest conglomerates but the load was almost unbearable on her conscience, she’d single handedly persuaded governments to invade other territories just through her words.

She got a taste for the ‘Blue’ and would often complete her assignments whilst completely off her tree.

She needed an outlet, once a week she’d go to the local organic farm and volunteer with the Newppies, a modern verison of the ancient Hippie movement yet with a militant agenda as well, sort of similar to the New Salvation Army Movement but less violent, NEWSAM were bad mother fuckers.

Steck Saunders was her Newppie commandant, he was born and raised a Newppie and knew everything that you could possibly need to know about organic food and weaponry.

The one night wasn’t enough to address her conscience though so under the advice of her online therapist (which was really just a macro) Sarah sought out some of the ancient arts, she stumbled upon a Japanese calligraphy class, she was in love with the humbleness of it the moment her first class began, her teacher was a 63 year old Japanese man whom looked mysterious and rugged yet supremely gentle at the same time. The more she learned about this gentle old man the more she wanted to learn, it was something about his demeanour, he seemingly had nothing but had no concerns over material possessions nor external influences.

Over time their relationship got stronger and she frequented the Newppie Compound less and less.

This irritated Steck.

She decided that she wanted this old Japanese man to be the father of her child, she never wanted a child and knew that she could order one from the ‘Farm’ but the old man was what she found she wanted, she hatched a master plan, she’d get close, when she knew she was ovulating and get him drunk, she’d also take the egg enhancement pill to ensure fertilisation.

Then she put her plan into motion.

She didn’t want the old man to be concerned nor have the burden of raising a child so she decided that night to never see him again. And that’s exactly what she did.

She hired a full time Nurse to assist her during her term and once delivery had taken place the Nurse would be employed until the child reached maturity.

Hideo Ozawa (named after his father) was born.

Sarah had increased her time with the Newppies to 3 nights a week, shortly after Hideo’s 5th birthday Sarah was spending one of her nights at the Newppie compound, the NEWSAMs invaded and wiped the place clean in an act of retaliation, nobody was spared.

Sarah was asset rich so there was a significant trust in place to raise Hideo as well as pay for the nurse to continue to his adulthood. It stipulated in her last will and testament that should Sarah disappear or die then and only then would Hideki be introduced to his son.

Hideki was stunned and excited to discover that he had an heir, he had not seen the woman he loved since that fateful night. He longed for her, it was his guilty pleasure. But parenthood was not his game, he raised Hideo the only way he knew, the samurai way, it was harsh and made Hideo resent his father, when Hideo finally reached manhood he severed ties with his father but his father always kept an eye on him. Hideki could not get across the carpark on that fateful night, in fact he got there only in time to witness his son’s final breath and see the smile in his eyes before he left existence.

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