what the hell is this about?

Several friends have embarked on their own P365 journey but as I have no camera nor an eye for photography I've decided to try to complete "a doodle a day" for an entire year. Most will be in my little Derwent A5 sketch book but some could end up being from the corner of some document or scribbled on a newspaper. As the year progresses I will try my hand at inking them as well?

If some of them don't make sense, don't worry, they're probably not meant to. You may notice there will be certain themes along the way and if you know me you'll know why.

I hope you enjoy.

Okay, here goes, every day til I'm 39.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day #365 - the End

I've been thinking about what to draw for this day for quite a long time.

All along I've been thinking that I'd just draw "the End" like it is at the end of old movies.

or "FIN" like the end of foreign films.

then I thought I'd add some curtains to it.

Then I thought about doing the end of Looney Tunes with the "that's all folks" quote.

I dunno, it just didn't seem right?

All year I've either done portraits or cartoon characters from my childhood, I've never liked the run of the mill cartoons, i.e. I only ever liked Yosemite Sam and the little bird that went along to the sounds of "der der der da da da da" with it's little hop jump and the young African hunter stalking it. Instead I like cartoons like Milton the Monster, Fearless Fly, Flukey Luke, Batfink, Sherman Peabody. I've been a student of the history of animation for most of my adult life but I don't like Disney, instead I love the Fleischer Brothers, so much so that I got a tattoo of one of their characters on my shoulder (yes Dad, I have a tattoo), I love la linea, it's simplicity is its genius. I remember waking up and watching the Thunderbirds with my brother in the early hours of every Saturday. In the 80s I started watching G-Force (Battle of the Planets), this was my introduction into Japanese animation, I was in love immediately, In my late teens I was introduced to Manga, Akira is still one of my all time favourite movies. In my mid twenties I forced my girlfriend to go and watch Toy Story, my jaw was on the ground the entire time. Everything that Hayao Miyazaki makes is absolutely amazing, from the Castle of Cagliostro (which is rated as having the best car chase ever in a movie) to Totoro to Kiki's Delivery Service to Laputa to Nausicaa to Princess Mononoke to Porco Rosso to Spirited Away to Howl's Moving Castle to Ponyo - he is second to NONE!

So, I decided to end it with a little flying squirrel whom would have a stupid pal and annoying voice and two of the most memorable villians in cartoon history.

I can't believe that I actually completed this little project, all along I thought I was going to falter and this last month I have been completely absent of ideas, you probably don't realise that most nights I sit here staring at a blank piece of paper at about 10pm thinking I'd better think up something soon. Thankfully, early on Lester gave me a great idea if I got stuck and Wiki-ing the date led to a lot of pictures.

I want to thank everybody that gave me feedback, your comments really provided me with the inspiration to keep going on and on.

I thank anyone that gave me ideas of what to draw, I don't think you realise how much you helped me.

I thank my beautiful kids for giving me so many ideas and for letting me watch you pick up your pencils in response, I love you both so much!

My secret watcher (Dad) whom would check my blog on a daily basis but only towards the end did he let me know.

To Jhoven, for providing me with the idea and the ongoing encouragement all the way through.

And finally to Vic, whom put up with me sitting in the corner of the room ignoring her for a year whilst I doodled away. Thanks honey!

I'm really looking forward to not drawing tomorrow :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day #364 - words like like

I was helping Hawk with his homework tonight, basically he has a list of 'sight words' that he needs to be able to read, each week the list grows with new words.

I've noticed that he really struggles with the word 'like' so I thought I'd draw him a set of cue cards with words that are like like.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day #363 - Nautilus

This is something that I've been promising to draw since about September.

A Nautilus shell is something that seems quite easy to draw but it's anything but and as I discovered once more you can't rub out ink!

Happy with most of this drawing, well everything except the largest section.

For some reason I've slept most of today away and I'm tired again now so I'm not even going to entertain doing this drawing any more but instead just going to go to sleep instead.

I hope Julie Miller likes this one? I told you I'd draw you one but boy did I cut it close.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day #362 - Clock Designs

Today I was cleaning out the garage when I got distracted by this broken clock I got from my grandfather's house, it's not a special clock at in fact it's just a cheap wall clock made of plastic.

I wanted to see if I could reverse engineer the clock and fix it, so I undid all the fine work that the Chinese assembly worker had done and after about 10 minutes I'd figured out how to fix it but it was at that point when I was staring at the plain cardboard face I said to Hawk "do you think we should make a different face on this? of course he said yes.

then we both got distracted with something else.

when I was sitting down tonight all I could think of was clock faces, so I drew the one on the right here, it was only after I had this done that I realised I could make the 9L3N clock!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day #361 - missing Mix

for different reasons this week I've gotten almost every night after the kids are already asleep, it's horrible.

Tonight I got to see Mix but Hawk was already asleep in the car (as they had to pick me up because my car became an unwilling participant in the journey to Seven Hills).

I thought that I'd draw something for the kids, I've done a hundred drawings for Hawk so this time I did one for Mix and tried to put in all the things she likes (except Dora of course).

As I was filling up the page I had a little bit of space left in the bottom right so I squeezed in Porky Pig, Mika doesn't know who Porky Pig is but I think she wouldn't mind.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day #360 - the light!

wow, back when I started this I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to complete this challenge but to my amazement I have only 5 to go.

I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and it seems like it's blazing sooooo brightly.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day #359 - the quickie

tonight was the last night I could spend with Mitch before she flies back to nodnoL (that's what you call it when going from Australia).

rather than spend time doodling a detailed drawing I quickly whipped up a pic of us 4 from Ed's room tonight.

It's simple but it cracks me up!