what the hell is this about?

Several friends have embarked on their own P365 journey but as I have no camera nor an eye for photography I've decided to try to complete "a doodle a day" for an entire year. Most will be in my little Derwent A5 sketch book but some could end up being from the corner of some document or scribbled on a newspaper. As the year progresses I will try my hand at inking them as well?

If some of them don't make sense, don't worry, they're probably not meant to. You may notice there will be certain themes along the way and if you know me you'll know why.

I hope you enjoy.

Okay, here goes, every day til I'm 39.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day #272 - Hideki Ozawa

Ozawa-san is and always has been a man of honour, well, except for one night.
Hideki had retired for some time and would receive his income from teaching a Thursday evening class he would hold on Japanese calligraphy, it didn't pay much but supplemented his pension and it would feed him and that's about all he needed, he was 63, alone but content.
He'd had a hard life and the scars to prove it, he'd survived and now was time to relax.
one of his pupils was a young journalist for a technology publication, her world was high pressure and always online, instant publishing to the webnet, she used this class to relax and unwind towards the end of the week, nobody was interested in this old Japanese man so there was no interest except her personal interest. Her journalistic instincts made her seek out this man's story and they built quite a friendship over time, she learned of his time in the Royal Japanese Protection Force as a bodyguard of the Emperor himself, after his service he emigrated to New US with a posting in the Japanese embassy, well really he was in charge of the security of the embassy and directly responsible for the safety of the diplomats. As he was trained in the ancient Samurai arts he was responsible for training the protection agents.
After his tenure in the government he retired to the outskirts of Vegas, the furthest distance from the embassy within the New US.
He was intrigued by this young white woman and why she'd be interested in this old man, he was nothing special in his eyes.
But she saw something different and would stay back after class yearning for more knowledge of this interesting man's past.
Hideki never knew love only service, for once in his life he was experiencing a strange new emotion and he wasn't entirely sure how to manage this intoxicating feeling.
Sarah Kael had a different agenda though, she, one night after class convinced Hideki to share some Sake with her. After the first two bottles they were overtaken by the Sake Ghost and ended up in an erotic embrace.
That would be the last time Hideki would see Sarah, for 9 months. Hideo was destined to be a bad boy, he was conceived under the power of the Sake Ghost.
Hideki tried to persuade his son to the noble ways but he had too much of his mother in him that led him to addictive ways.
As a birthright he passed on the only thing that was of any value to him, his Katana from his time in the Royal Protection Force, he'd keep his Wakazashi. He explained the significance of the Katana and how the only way that he should use was in self defence, that it should never draw blood in anger. Hideo would carry it around more as a showpiece than a self defence mechanism as he had his twin gold plated Desert Eagles for that job.

Once Hideki learned of what had happened to his Katana he kept an eye on it's new owner. When Hideki learned of the beheading of young Benny Velasquez he knew instantly that Jesus had used the Katana to behead him as no other weapon would do such a clean and efficient job, it was a disgrace and Hideki needed to balance the ledger. He picked his mid nineties body up, put on his best white linen suit, grabbed his Wakazashi and headed off to 525 Lanes in the early hours of the morning. He entered the establishment, identified his target and made his way across. Jesus focus his attention on Hideki and as he realised (God told him) the resemblance he was about to yell an abusive self defence comment to the old man he got as far as 'what the f....' before his own head was severed from his body in one clear motion, for the next 60 seconds Jesus was finally alone without the advice of his 'father', it was blissful, then his pulse stopped and his viewed dimmed forever.

Hideki had only one wrong to remedy, he took himself out to the car park and settled into the handicapped space on his knees, he drew his Wakazashi for one last time and committed the ancient ritual of 'sepuku' otherwise known as hari kari, the only course of action for a disgraced samurai to take.

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