what the hell is this about?

Several friends have embarked on their own P365 journey but as I have no camera nor an eye for photography I've decided to try to complete "a doodle a day" for an entire year. Most will be in my little Derwent A5 sketch book but some could end up being from the corner of some document or scribbled on a newspaper. As the year progresses I will try my hand at inking them as well?

If some of them don't make sense, don't worry, they're probably not meant to. You may notice there will be certain themes along the way and if you know me you'll know why.

I hope you enjoy.

Okay, here goes, every day til I'm 39.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day #239 - MLK jnr Day

yesterday was Martin Luther King Jnr day in the US. So this is a picture of MLK Jnr.

Martin Luther King Junior is such an important figure in US and world history, he was proof that one person CAN make a difference no matter what the odds. Without people like MLK Jnr we wouldn't have the likes of Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Eddie Murphy, Barrack Obama etc.

I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to ink in Darth last night and I really wanted to see how far I've come since starting this little project, when Vic asked me what I was drawing tonight I showed her the photo and said I was going to try to do a portrait. Her response was "how on earth are you going to draw that? you'll be up till 4am" I got it done a little quicker than that, actually I wish now that I had a camera recording me drawing this because when I was roughing it out and even when I'd drawn the outlines I thought that it looked nothing like him, it wasn't until I had filled in completely when I realised that I'd captured it exactly as I had imagined, I also forgot that the only black pen I had was a .5mm Sharpie so it took a long time to ink.

This is easily my favourite doodle for a long long time, probably since Robert Downey Jnr.

Maybe I need to just draw people that end in Jnr?

After a pretty stressful day's work I really really enjoyed drawing this, all up it took about 2.5-3hrs but it was totally worth it.


  1. This works sooo well. A great image Glenn... asher

  2. thanks Asher, I'm pretty proud of this one.
