what the hell is this about?

Several friends have embarked on their own P365 journey but as I have no camera nor an eye for photography I've decided to try to complete "a doodle a day" for an entire year. Most will be in my little Derwent A5 sketch book but some could end up being from the corner of some document or scribbled on a newspaper. As the year progresses I will try my hand at inking them as well?

If some of them don't make sense, don't worry, they're probably not meant to. You may notice there will be certain themes along the way and if you know me you'll know why.

I hope you enjoy.

Okay, here goes, every day til I'm 39.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day #36 - Tomorrow's athlete

Adept on all platforms tomorrow's athlete is equipped with a gamut of highly tuned input devices, all wireless of course (only a rookie would use cords) adorned with his the patented faux leather tri-mouse bandoleer and his Han Solo Red Bull holster (patent pending) he fears no foe. Trash talking his fellow competitors through his noise-cancelling Sennheiser 4000 "ult-gamer" addition gamephones he is the most feared opponent on the planet.
Recently he signed a $1 billion deal with Logitech to produce his specially developed one-handed gamepad.
the envy of men everywhere this hero is known simply as 'the Gamer'

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day #35 - replacing Oscar

After the sudden passing of Oscar, Felix was feeling empty but he soon realised that he shouldn't have replaced Oscar with another Felix.
He soon found that he was laughing so much that his sides ached and his heart went pit-a-pat watching Felix, the wonderful cat.

Okay, for some reason I wanted to have a crack at drawing Tony Randall, don't know why, it was just what popped into my head about 9pm?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day #34 - My fav kicks

I really struggle to draw hands and feet that look realistic so I thought I'd try to start small and just draw a shoe that looked realistic.

What shoe? well my favourite would be a good start.

Old Skool Vans, best skate shoe ever made.

I was going to fully shade this but I think it would have lost a bit so I decided to keep it with the 'Bunnings brochure' wireframe look.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day #33 - Aerosol dreaming

I've always had a love of the mural style of graffiti although surprisingly never tried my hand at it, in fact I never even sketched a "piece" but after doing this tonight I am fully hooked and I understand why this form is so addictive, all of the usual boundaries are removed, there are no rules.
It's amazing the level of freedom you feel when doing these, I could have kept on drawing till morning.

This is without a doubt the most fun I've had doodling yet.

Oh, for any freaks out there the little fly character is from the 1941 Fleischer film "Mr Bug goes to town"

Man this was fun, I hope you like it?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day #32 - Asa Phelps has died

I came close to trying my hand at a Koi tonight but then it got me thinking of Mark Gonzales' drawings of fish, I was thinking of a flying fish but settled on the Fighting Hellfish, as simple as stuff in the Simpsons seems it's actually very tricky for that very reason (try to draw Homer or Bart if you don't believe me).

The fighting Hellfish is one of my favourite Simpsons shows of all time, Abe reminds me of my own Grandfather who always has a story to tell and could talk the ears off a picture.

I'm happy with how it turned out.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day #31 - Apollo?

I was processing some orders today and came across one for Project Apollo, made me think, if it were me I would have called it Project Starbuck but maybe they didn't want people to think it was about coffee? Why do projects have silly names? Maybe Project Viper would be better but then all I'd think about is Tom Skerrit in Top Gun.

So, anyways, it got me thinking about Battlestar and I thought I'd have a crack at a Viper, I'm far from happy with it but it's 10:30, I'm running on about 3 hours sleep from last night so it'll have to do.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day #29 - inspired by a 4 year old

after showing last night's drawing to Hawk I asked him if there was anything that he'd like me to draw for him, he told me to draw whatever I like, then, just before going to bed he said, Daddy, I'm going to draw you a truck, so he did. I was so impressed that I told him that I was going to draw him a truck just like he drew me.
He was adamant that it must be carrying dirt and must have a flat tyre just like his. He then asked me if I knew how to draw a flat tyre, obviously I asked him how and told me "it's easy, just draw it near the edge".
Mine is nowhere near as cool as his but I hope he likes it?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day #28 - 2 of my favourite things

it was really hard to think of something to draw tonight and up until about 9:30pm I still had a blank piece of paper in front of me.
I then went and checked on Hawk and found him asleep with his Star Wars droid book in hand, the rest was simple.
This one is for my beautiful son.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day #27 - Big Beats to Big Eats

Whilst watching Masterchef tonight (great show but a total ripoff of Top Chef) I thought to myself that in the last 5 years I've noticed the DJ culture move over to celebrity chefs, there are TV channels dedicated to them now that run 24/7, as a fatty I'm not complaining because I get fed some wonderful meals as a result, this is just simply my observation.

I wonder what it will crossover to next? interior design?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day #26 - DJ Kentaro

whilst the kids were sleeping today I watched the 2006 DMC World Championships (found it on my old HDD) and I thought "I want to draw a DJ" and since I love all things Japan and they are playing Holland tonight I thought I'd do a Japanese DJ.
I was going to fully shade it but it got this far and I decided that I liked it just like this.

Day #25 - Battle Angel Alita

this is the first of potentially many of my favourite little cyborg and one of my all time favourite anime, rumour is that James Cameron is making the live action version. Any fans of Dark Angel need to know that Alita was the basis for that story.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day #24 - call it what you will but for us tonight it was as sweet as victory!

tonight we ruined the top team's perfect record and the biased refereeing against us made it even more the sweeter.

I'm actually really happy with my deadlock.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day #23 - the pride of Oceania, well done NZ!

15 seconds to go in injury time and the smug Slovakia coach was busy kissing his players, then out of nowhere a cross, then a header then a sad little Slovakian coach. That is what the world cup is all about!

Day #22 - Vehicle number 1

I need to get better at drawing vehicles, I was going to draw an Audi RS4, then changed my mind and was going to draw a Toyota bB but finally settled on B.A. Barracus' van. It looks pretty crap but at least it sort of resembles it, too tired to do anything else with it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day #21 - On the brink

Watched my beloved Celtics win game 5 today and thought I'd have a go at drawing their logo, I think it turned out okay??

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day #20 - Fingers crossed

Australia take on Germany tonight, Hippety is the coolest kangaroo (or giant mouse) that I could think of and the stereotypical German man isn't the fiercest looking opponent. Obviously this would be a gigantic upset even if we got a point let alone a goal but here's hoping.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day #19 - Match of the day

USA v England - very happy with the Lion but the bald eagle looks a little bit too 'chickenish', I generally suck at drawing animals so this is definitely an area I need to improve.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day #18 - the wait is over!

every four years we suffer a month of sleep deprivation and don't complain a single time.

tonight it begins! GO SOCCEROOS!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day #17 - the Gypsy is pissed because the curse has finally been broken.

Tonight we broke our hoodoo of losses, we had previously lost all 3 of our 6:30 games, we'd labelled it the 6:30 curse which tonight we smashed to pieces by a margin of almost 30 points! I imagined of hearing of this whomever placed that curse on us must be mightily pissed.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day #16 - Stegglesaurus

today I was talking with Ian Hacker on the phone and he mentioned that he had an idea for a doodle for me, but of course he couldn't remember what it was, so I said was it a dinosaur thing? the next thought I had was Stegglesaurus (for those unaware Steggles is a brand of chicken sold in Australia)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day #15 - Tea Rex

Hawk asked me to draw a dinosaur, I asked him which one and he said a T-Recth, of course I interpreted it this way.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day #14 - when you get your ass to Mars

this looked a lot better in my head, whenever I hear anybody refer to two weeks this is all I can think of (refer to my pathetic obsession with Sci-fi), apparently this lady was a drama teacher and a very beloved one by her students, beyond her students she was known only as the '2 weeks lady'. In my opinion my worst drawing yet. oh well. there's always tomorrow.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day #13 - Boba Fatt

after escaping the almighty Sarlacc and the demise of the empire, Boba went freelancing for outlanders, it was all too easy for him, carbonite prices soared and suddenly he had all the republic credits he could ever need. The Jedi were gone and sadly, with no real challenge left he just let himself go.

I almost titled this "if I were Boba Fett"

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day #12 - the Holy Crail

I just picked up the 25th anniversary of Thrasher magazine and inside was a plethora of pics, sooo many of Christian Hosoi and it made me think, man Christ ripped, then I thought....if the big J skated he'd have most certainly ripped.
And his signature move? of course it would be this.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day #11 - He's the law!

Michael Smith got me into reading 2000AD in year 7 or 8, I instantly fell in love with Judge Dredd, I think more because of the styling than the storyline. I wanted to practice a bit of crosshatching and was going to do Psi Anderson but instead I threw out a quick Dredd, I like his legs but think I got his proportions wrong in his body, I guess 11 days in I'm pretty happy with this one.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day #10 - the difference flies make

Grant Lawton got me onto "Important Things by Demetri Martin" and today's episode was called "lines", Demetri is a genius bordering on insane but it is sooooo my level of comedy. I thought about "stink lines" and then thought stink lines and smell lines are the same! The only difference was the addition of flies. So this is what came into my head, which pie would you prefer a slice from? this is probably my favourite doodle hitherto.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day #9 - Dragon 1

Vic mentioned Japan tonight and this is what popped into my head. There are bound to be more dragons as the project pans out but this is my first and coincidentally this is the first that I've ever drawn.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day #8 - 1st of Dune

a play on words seems to be a common theme with me but this one was too easy not to pass up, no other month is as simple, plus my sad obsession with Sci-fi lent itself perfectly to this one, I'd never realised how difficult Kyle Maclaughlin is to draw, not only does his name have laugh in it but his face is very comically structured, I had to be very careful to not go into too much detail otherwise I'd lose the simplicity of the style. I was quite happy with the result although I wish I could have had his eyes glowing blue from the spice...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day #7 - give the fuck up already! (yes I'm talking to you)

this was the first day that I was stuck for an idea, Lester gave me a great idea when I'm stuck, chuck the date into Wiki and see what happened on this day? well, I gave it a go, there wasn't anything that really stuck out, a lot of old Chinese Emperor's were born, some people died, then I got down to the bottom of the page and saw that it was 'World No Tobacco day'. I still have a lot of friends that smoke and being a reformed smoker it's hard to tell them how bad it is without sounding like a hypocrite. So, I thought I would put the "yes I'm talking to you" bit in to make every single one of them think "Is he talking to me?" to which the answer is a resounding "of course I am!"