what the hell is this about?

Several friends have embarked on their own P365 journey but as I have no camera nor an eye for photography I've decided to try to complete "a doodle a day" for an entire year. Most will be in my little Derwent A5 sketch book but some could end up being from the corner of some document or scribbled on a newspaper. As the year progresses I will try my hand at inking them as well?

If some of them don't make sense, don't worry, they're probably not meant to. You may notice there will be certain themes along the way and if you know me you'll know why.

I hope you enjoy.

Okay, here goes, every day til I'm 39.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day #365 - the End

I've been thinking about what to draw for this day for quite a long time.

All along I've been thinking that I'd just draw "the End" like it is at the end of old movies.

or "FIN" like the end of foreign films.

then I thought I'd add some curtains to it.

Then I thought about doing the end of Looney Tunes with the "that's all folks" quote.

I dunno, it just didn't seem right?

All year I've either done portraits or cartoon characters from my childhood, I've never liked the run of the mill cartoons, i.e. I only ever liked Yosemite Sam and the little bird that went along to the sounds of "der der der da da da da" with it's little hop jump and the young African hunter stalking it. Instead I like cartoons like Milton the Monster, Fearless Fly, Flukey Luke, Batfink, Sherman Peabody. I've been a student of the history of animation for most of my adult life but I don't like Disney, instead I love the Fleischer Brothers, so much so that I got a tattoo of one of their characters on my shoulder (yes Dad, I have a tattoo), I love la linea, it's simplicity is its genius. I remember waking up and watching the Thunderbirds with my brother in the early hours of every Saturday. In the 80s I started watching G-Force (Battle of the Planets), this was my introduction into Japanese animation, I was in love immediately, In my late teens I was introduced to Manga, Akira is still one of my all time favourite movies. In my mid twenties I forced my girlfriend to go and watch Toy Story, my jaw was on the ground the entire time. Everything that Hayao Miyazaki makes is absolutely amazing, from the Castle of Cagliostro (which is rated as having the best car chase ever in a movie) to Totoro to Kiki's Delivery Service to Laputa to Nausicaa to Princess Mononoke to Porco Rosso to Spirited Away to Howl's Moving Castle to Ponyo - he is second to NONE!

So, I decided to end it with a little flying squirrel whom would have a stupid pal and annoying voice and two of the most memorable villians in cartoon history.

I can't believe that I actually completed this little project, all along I thought I was going to falter and this last month I have been completely absent of ideas, you probably don't realise that most nights I sit here staring at a blank piece of paper at about 10pm thinking I'd better think up something soon. Thankfully, early on Lester gave me a great idea if I got stuck and Wiki-ing the date led to a lot of pictures.

I want to thank everybody that gave me feedback, your comments really provided me with the inspiration to keep going on and on.

I thank anyone that gave me ideas of what to draw, I don't think you realise how much you helped me.

I thank my beautiful kids for giving me so many ideas and for letting me watch you pick up your pencils in response, I love you both so much!

My secret watcher (Dad) whom would check my blog on a daily basis but only towards the end did he let me know.

To Jhoven, for providing me with the idea and the ongoing encouragement all the way through.

And finally to Vic, whom put up with me sitting in the corner of the room ignoring her for a year whilst I doodled away. Thanks honey!

I'm really looking forward to not drawing tomorrow :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day #364 - words like like

I was helping Hawk with his homework tonight, basically he has a list of 'sight words' that he needs to be able to read, each week the list grows with new words.

I've noticed that he really struggles with the word 'like' so I thought I'd draw him a set of cue cards with words that are like like.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day #363 - Nautilus

This is something that I've been promising to draw since about September.

A Nautilus shell is something that seems quite easy to draw but it's anything but and as I discovered once more you can't rub out ink!

Happy with most of this drawing, well everything except the largest section.

For some reason I've slept most of today away and I'm tired again now so I'm not even going to entertain doing this drawing any more but instead just going to go to sleep instead.

I hope Julie Miller likes this one? I told you I'd draw you one but boy did I cut it close.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day #362 - Clock Designs

Today I was cleaning out the garage when I got distracted by this broken clock I got from my grandfather's house, it's not a special clock at in fact it's just a cheap wall clock made of plastic.

I wanted to see if I could reverse engineer the clock and fix it, so I undid all the fine work that the Chinese assembly worker had done and after about 10 minutes I'd figured out how to fix it but it was at that point when I was staring at the plain cardboard face I said to Hawk "do you think we should make a different face on this? of course he said yes.

then we both got distracted with something else.

when I was sitting down tonight all I could think of was clock faces, so I drew the one on the right here, it was only after I had this done that I realised I could make the 9L3N clock!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day #361 - missing Mix

for different reasons this week I've gotten almost every night after the kids are already asleep, it's horrible.

Tonight I got to see Mix but Hawk was already asleep in the car (as they had to pick me up because my car became an unwilling participant in the journey to Seven Hills).

I thought that I'd draw something for the kids, I've done a hundred drawings for Hawk so this time I did one for Mix and tried to put in all the things she likes (except Dora of course).

As I was filling up the page I had a little bit of space left in the bottom right so I squeezed in Porky Pig, Mika doesn't know who Porky Pig is but I think she wouldn't mind.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day #360 - the light!

wow, back when I started this I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to complete this challenge but to my amazement I have only 5 to go.

I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and it seems like it's blazing sooooo brightly.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day #359 - the quickie

tonight was the last night I could spend with Mitch before she flies back to nodnoL (that's what you call it when going from Australia).

rather than spend time doodling a detailed drawing I quickly whipped up a pic of us 4 from Ed's room tonight.

It's simple but it cracks me up!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day #358 - Inch High Private Eye

This one was by request from my manager, he asked me if I remembered Inch High Private Eye, which I did but I couldn't remember if he was brilliant or if he was a bumbler.

drawing just him would have been a cop out so I tried to make a panel comic of it. Couldn't think of anything else but what would a man that's only an inch high make of a giant vibrator?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day #357 - Slave 1

when I was putting Hawk to bed tonight he asked if I could draw him something from his Star Wars book, as I'm coming towards the end of this thing there isn't too much left from Star Wars that I haven't yet drawn.

I was sitting here quietly thinking about things, trying to figure out what I'd draw and I saw this picture of Boba Fett, in my opinion easily the coolest Star Wars character there ever was, unfortunately George Lucas had a tendency of really quickly killing off his greatest characters and then allowing ridiculously stupid ones to survive, maybe it was like survival of the fittest in reverse?
Boba Fett - killed by a blind man hitting him on the back with a stick
Darth Maul - killed by a Jedi who was hanging down a shaft without a weapon
Jabba the Hutt - choked by his whore
General Grievous - shot in his heart (the only human part of him)

Jar Jar Binks - a hero
Ewoks - heroes
General Madine - Chuck Norris lookalike and hero

Other things, the only person to win and suffer no loss all throughout the series until the final scene was the Emperor.

The only character that saved the day in every movie was R2D2

the robots had more character than the humans.

I know certain people that will love this drawing but really I drew only thinking of two, Hawk and Ed.

Yet we love these shows religiously, what does that say about us?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day #356 - Ronaldo McDonald

on this day in 1940 McDonald's opened its first restaurant.

a billion burgers and a major contribution to childhood obesity later and we see this atrocity everywhere we go.

I remember when I was a child you got to eat McDonald's maybe once or twice a year, generally somebody's birthday or at after the end of season soccer match.

I was thinking about Ronald McDonald and probably because I'm sitting here watching Newcastle play Chelsea I thought of Ronaldo.

I put 2 and 2 together and came up with how they market to the kids in Brazil.

I had to include that ridiculous haircut he had for the 2002 World Cup in Korea/Japan, an amazing finisher, one of the best I've ever seen.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day #355 - the Final

Tonight I'll be watching the FA Cup final with two of my closest friends.

None of us has a team in the final so it will be an interesting watch.

A David vs Goliath match and I can't help but to root for the David.

Pretty happy with how this turned out now I'm just looking forward to my guests Smith & Lesson.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day #354 - the Nightmare

blogger has been down for a day now, lost post 353 but they promise it will return......

Anyway, I thought to fit in with Friday the 13th I'd do a nightmare themed doodle.

once upon a time....

Laying in his bed, young Glen had a feeling that the dreaded T644 was lurking in his room about to pounce but he dare not open his eyes...

the T644 sprung above his bed with talons extended and about to strike when suddenly it jammed.

Only a maintenance kit could restore T644 to working order but they were rarer than common sense and dearer than a hundred lunches.

Glen knew from the annoying beep, the grinding of gears and the incandescent red glow from the front panel that he could only relax for a moment as somewhere in the near future the T654 would be bound to replace the T644 and it's venom is a relatively unknown quantity.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day #353 - A great day

Today is the birthday of my childhood pal Anthony, the man I named my son after and the introduction into the world of Marty's son/daughter.

How do I draw that?

I broke the picture into thirds;

the first is for Arty, he introduced me to Aerosol art and Hip Hop, especially Run DMC and then Public Enemy.
Arty was too cool for school, he knew stuff and had stuff that nobody else had.
He owned two of the most iconic decks ever, the Hosoi Hammerhead and the Hawk Iron Cross.

The second third is dedicated to the greatest skateboarder that has ever lived and the man the I named my first born after.

Lastly but definitely not leastly is the 3rd third, this is dedicated to Bryce Edward Keenlyside born today. If he takes after his father he'll have a great capacity for learning.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day #352 - RIP Bob Marley

Bob's eulogy delivered by the Prime Minister of Jamaica:
"His voice was an omnipresent cry in our electronic world. His sharp features, majestic looks, and prancing style a vivid etching on the landscape of our minds. Bob Marley was never seen. He was an experience which left an indelible imprint with each encounter. Such a man cannot be erased from the mind. He is part of the collective consciousness of the nation."

Very few people define their genre, Bob Marley is definitely amongst those few.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day #351 - the Pro

today I was in Dymocks looking for a certain book that I've been trying to find for some time, I can't write what it is because it's a planned gift. Anyway I didn't find it, but, I found a book for Vic's mum, wish I found it last week instead but I'm sure she'll get a kick out of it.

I then went looking in the graphic novel section to see if I could find the Judge Dredd complete case files, of course they weren't there, it seemed like I wasn't going to find what I was after but instead I think I was destined to find the books that I did..

Hidden away amongst the graphic novels was this little comic book, it was a little bit thicker but it was a full colour Image Comics book called the Pro, basically a story of a single mother prostitute whom becomes bestowed with super powers, she gets befriended by the 'good guy' super heroes but doesn't play by their rules. Basically she does what you wish all the superheroes would do.

want an example?

okay, a criminal breaks into her apartment and holds a gun to her son's head, one of her 'good guy' friends disarms him and "the Pro" punches the bad guy's jaw off.

What can I say, it's sick tongue in cheek humour just works for me.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day #350 - Rejected Mr Men

Today was Roger Hargreaves' birthday, not familiar with whom he is? he wrote and illustrated all of the Mr Men and Little Miss series of books in the 70s and early 80s.

I grew up on these books and Hawk and Mika have their own collection, they truly are timeless, great little books for kids and fun to boot.

I thought I'd have a bit of fun making some rejected ideas for Mr Men, I could have made about 50 of these but for a lack of paper and time.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day #349 - happy mother's day mum!

this one is for mum, this is a hilarious secret that we share!

Love ya mum.

you still crack me up!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day #348 - Happy Birthday Ross Evans!

I took some liberties here mate, as I know nothing of the AFL I assumed that the 'Cat' would be panther-like in appearance.

I also assumed that the best Cat would be Ablett Snr. so I used his number.

I could have copped out and drawn you the logo but I thought this would make you smile a lot more on your birthday, actually I think they played tonight? AND THEY WON!! just for you! (okay, I'm assuming this as well)

I simply wanted to say Happy Birthday mate! I hope that you have a wonderful day although knowing you you'd be paralytic by now so you'll see this when you wake up with a nice little hangover.

I hope it makes you smile!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day #347 - MC Gusto

I love movies that take the piss out of a chosen arena.

I loved "the Great White Hype" and what it showed of the boxing industry.

Well, in 1993 came CB4, totally taking the piss out of the recording industry and especially Gangster Rap.

MC Gusto was the lead of the group CB4 and he was played by Chris Rock.

one of my favourite quotes was this "I'm MC Gusto, but in prison, I'm known as 97-KY-LMNOP-14 to the third power"

It was a hilarious movie.

Special thanks to Ross for finding it again!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day #346 - Del Griffith

I recently watched the movie Due Date with Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifinakis, whilst I thought it very funny watching it all I could think of was Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

PTA is really one of those movies that sticks in your memory for life and you can share scenes from it with lots of people the have seen it.

The rental car scene.
The taxi nearly running Steve Martin over and then him being picked up by his crown jewels.
The falling asleep in the car
The driving the wrong way between trucks
The car burning
The cops pulling them over and John Candy trying to argue the road worthiness
The hocking the watch for a room and then the sleeping in the car
The curtain ring selling
The dead wife

the list goes on and on and on.

Del Griffith just wanted to help his pal Neil Page get home in time for thanksgiving.

The world really lost a special person when John Candy died, PTA, Stripes, Uncle Buck, Cool Runnings, Space Balls he wasn't just a funny fat man but he made you believe his emotion so much.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day #345 - Luke Skywalker

In the tradition of stupid one liners I decided to draw someone from Star Wars as today is May the 4th, so May the 4th be with you!

Star Wars is easily the most influential movie in my life, it's the earliest movie I ever remember watching, I was 5 and it just became my ultimate fantasy as a boy, when VHS players came out movies cost a mint, we could only afford one, so of course it was Star Wars. My brother and I watched it about 8 times on the first day that we had it.

I have probably seen the original Star Wars movie around 700-800 times at least.

I think I might pull out the trilogy this weekend.

Anyway, I tried to draw Luke from Return of the Jedi, when he had that terrible haircut and suddenly became this all powerful 'monkish' Jedi. At the end of Empire Luke was still cool although limbless but then he went all deep from the start of Jedi and once he flew off a saw Yoda die he turned into a bit of a tool.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day #344 - Al Czervik

in 1980 the best golf movie of all time was made.

Al Czervik was the obnoxious but loveable protagonist with his heart set on turning the lovely country club into a whole bunch of condos.

Caddyshack is still one of my favourite movies and easily my favourite golf movie.

Bill Murray's character as the greenskeeper is genius and of course Chevy Chase as the ultra pro was faultless with his coolness.

But nobody stole the show like Rodney Dangerfield though, in a role that should have been considered the villian he was instead the one you were rooting for.

Throw in the Kenny Loggins soundtrack and it's almost the perfect movie.

Nice and early posting tonight allows me some PS3 time :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day #343 - Royal Tenenbaum

Wes Anderson in my mind is one of the most gifted writers/directors going around today, in fact Martin Scorsese said he was going to be the "next Martin Scorsese" in an interview for Esquire magazine.

His movies are brilliant,

the Royal Tenenbaums is my favourite, check this out for a killer cast;
Owen Wilson
Luke Wilson
Ben Stiller
Gwyneth Paltrow
Bill Murray
Angelica Houston
Danny Glover

and of course the immortal Royal Tenenbaum played perfectly by Gene Hackman

finally to top off the cast it's narrated by Alec Baldwin.

It's a movie about, hmm, let me think, family disfunction and a "dying" man's wish to keep his family together (well actually to keep his wife's money) and it has more smoking in it than any other movie I can think of, but it's not over indulgence it just seems to work.

Any Wes Anderson film in my mind is worth paying money to watch.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day #342 - Walter Sobchak

After watching Spies like us the other night and quite frankly struggling for ideas to finish out this little project I've decided to draw some of my favourite movie characters.

Whilst they may not look like the actor, it's not the actor that I'm drawing.

First up is Walter Sobchak for the Big Lebowski.

Never seen it? it's a movie about a Rug, Bowling, a toe and a case of mistaken identity, it's one of my all time favourite movies and easily my favourite Cohen Brothers movies.

The characters I draw this week will be from movies that I like, no matter how abstract they may be.

And on that note the 2nd half of Man U v Arsenal just began.....

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day #341 - Happy Birthday Amz!

Today was Amelie's 2nd birthday party.

Vic had noticed how enamoured Amelie was with Mika's toy microwave that we decided to get her her own one for her birthday.

So, when it came to open her presents she happened to open the microwave first (I think it was Vic's doings?) and of course she was elated with it, so much so that she didn't want to open anything else.

It was funny how everyone would be saying to her "it could be another microwave" as every new present was opened and the disappointment on her face when it wasn't. I've never seen a kid get so excited about one present and not be interested in opening all the rest.

So of course I had to draw her toy microwave for her, not 100% sure if it looks like this but I do remember there being different foods on the buttons, so I made them up.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day #340 the ridiculous 3

Ooh am I going to get it over this one....

Today whilst buying coffee Hax told Marty and I that he finally got around to watching Kick Ass, about bloody time.

this of course led to discussions about heroics and ultimately went the way of making fun of me, which I'm fine with, in fact I took part.

Whilst on the train home tonight I came up with the "Ridiculous 3" of superheroes.

They are made up of;

"the Hero of Heathcote", "Brainspace" and "the Incredible Tangent"

I bet you can't guess which one I am? :P

Yes Marty I tried to make your "super symbol" a spreadsheet.

okay, coffee is on me.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day #339 - hmm....

I thought I'd have a crack at drawing a spaceship of no real origin tonight and I discovered a few things;
1) have an idea of what you want to draw before you put pencil to paper, even scratch out some thumbnails
2) use the same style throughout
3) I can't draw spaceships for shit

That said, I do like where I was going with the front half of this ship but the back carpet doesn't match the curtains if you know what I mean, it's like some cut two spaceships and welded them together, I tried to rescue it as you can see from the scribbled ideas around the back but in the end I decided to end it as the dreadful embarrassment that it is.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day #338 - Emmett Fitz-Hume

tonight I turned on Spies Like Us to watch, it still cracks me up, the little things that happen, the one liners and of course Chevy Chase, whom, whilst I was growing up was my favourite comedian followed closely by Bill Murray.
Caddyshack, Vacation and Spies Like Us, all classic Chevy. As well as Fletch and Fletch lives. I think I've seen these films hundreds of times and will watch them hundreds more.

I remember seeing the test scene when I was about 14 and remember laughing my ass off at how badly he was cheating.

So I quickly doodled him tonight whilst watching it.

It looks crappy but I don't care.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day #337 - Blu

Today was fantastic, left the house this morning and caught the 10am screening of Rio in 3D with Hawk, it was between Rio in 3D and Hop in 2D.

I was concerned because Hawk has only been to the movies once before and never to a 3D film so I was nervous that he'd freak out or get a headache or refuse to wear the glasses or that they'd even fit him with his little Asian button nose.

To my surprise he complained very little but instead would explain at full volume how things were flying off the screen and almost hitting him in the head, in fact he told me that the hand of the statue of Jesus actually hit him.

It was a fun little movie with likeable yet forgettable characters but I imagine it was about a million times better than Hop.

So as a thank you to my little boy, I drew him Blu, the protagonist of the film.

Hawk liked the 3D more than the movie so it sort of tells you what it was really like.

A great day had though.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day #336 - John Alfred Maxwell

My Grandfather, whom is known as 'Jack' or as Hawk used to call him "Shavin's" is a surviving ANZAC from WWII.

He was a Sapper in New Guinea and for most of my life he never spoke of his time in the war but often regaled us with his tales from the Paddington Barracks and the shenanigans that he used to get up to (must be where I get my cheekiness from).
I once spoke to him about my visit to the war memorial in Canberra and told me about the story of another soldier in his unit that with his team pinned down in a valley this guy single-handedly took out a machine gun nest using his dead comrade as a shield, through his actions he saved the lives of about 10 other men. But that was it, nothing else. I couldn't imagine how bad it was, he suffered malaria and I know that never really left him, especially the memories of it.

His father was a Lighthorseman in WWI and suffered from exposure to mustard gas.

I remember asking Granddad why he didn't suit up and wear his medals and ribbons and march in the parade and he used to tell me that he didn't want any thanks or praise for his time in service, he said it was just what you did. Granddad would rather go fishing or watch a Cowboys and Indians movie.

His father was the same.

We are lucky to not know what war is like, it's hard to imagine that these boys would have been shipped off to the worst place on earth, watched their mates get obliterated and if they were lucky enough to survive they would return home and be expected to act as if nothing happened, no such thing as counselling or any of that fluff. These were real men, the men that built this country with their gumption. Just like a classic car, they don't make them like that anymore.

I don't attend any dawn services or things like that but each year not just on ANZAC day I think about Shavin's and his father before him and I think about all the things that we have and how our lives are lived and I think with the ultimate gratitude of what these men sacrificed for us.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day #335 - Frogger

today being Easter and all, we had Vix family over for lunch, well it was originally lunch but turned out being more like Dincher/Dunch/Linner. How many people could you ask over to lunch and when they turn up you simply hand them a bowl, some flour and a couple of eggs, then they would look back at you with eager excitement? not many, but Vix family is different than most.
We made enough fresh pasta to feed about 100 people. and 4 hours later we ate it!

So as a reward for his massive effort and devirginising of the pasta world I fired up MAME for Steve.

he was reluctant at first but then got hooked on Frogger for about 20 games.

all too rarely does Steve kick up his heels and have some fun for himself but for that 30-40 mins this evening he had not a care in the world except for getting that poor frog across the road and over the pond into his little hole.

The games of today have lost that simplistic brilliance that the 80s games had, think Galaga, Pacman, Frogger, Xevious and the immortal 720 degrees.

And of course Bump N' Jump will be fired up for Jhoven next time. :) http://www.ilovethe80s.com/arcade_fullsize_bumpnjump1.htm

Best Easter I can remember in a long time! thanks fam!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day# 334 - underrated

I was really excited this morning because I had the TV to myself and my beloved Celtics were playing the Knicks and I could watch it live.

the result was what I was after but there really was never a contest as Boston won with ease.

Why was it so one sided? Paul Pierce dropped 38 points and Rondo, the little number 9 that nobody rates as a risk played the Knicks like they were a high school team. He had recorded a triple double before the end of the 3rd quarter and ended the game with a franchise record 20 assists.

Of course nobody expects the Celtics to win the Wast or the finals series but they didn't last year either yet but for an amazing 15 minutes by Ron Artest they would have won.

they traded away their starting Center, Shaq is injured yet they looked formidable today.

It's going to be a great finals series no matter the result and if a team from the East doesn't win it really wouldn't be fair.

Just watched Man Utd beat Everton as well so all in all it's been a great day!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day #333 - the East Dillon Lions

today I re-familiarised myself with a show about a Texas high school football team.

I was introduced to this show by one of my peers about 5 years ago and I got hooked, for a show about football there's little football in it.

Friday Night Lights is in its 5th and final season, it was axed after 4 seasons and to be honest it sort of lost its way during the end of the 3rd and start of the 4th season, but it had started to peak again at the midway point in the 4th season, the network executives had scrapped it due to its low ratings but the power of the internet brought it back for a final season. Online petitions force their hands and a 5th and final season was commissioned.

I've sat through 8 episodes today, it's like a car crash, I know I shouldn't be watching but I can't look away.

I was going to draw something nifty today, something to do with 333 but I couldn't get anything else into my head. On a day where Hawk played Wii or Diablo II all day and Mix just watched Dora over and over and over whilst Vic slept it was the perfect setting.

This is the helmet of the farm boy white kid Luke Cafferty, number 44 for the East Dillon Lions.

Yep, I'm that sad an individual!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day #332 - time for all these little bastards to die

I'm not a fan of genocide but after today's little interaction with a big fucker of a redback spider whilst up 2 storeys high on a ladder I've made the decision that every insect of the Warton household species will cease to exist.

Yes I will utilise chemical warfare.

Yes it's not the best thing in the world.

But it's a lot better than seeing one of my kids get bitten by something that could harm them.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day #331 - dangerous practise

Lately it feels like I have been sacrificing sleep to get things done, including these doodles.

I'm really looking forward to these next 6 days, time to recharge, reset and get ready for the next lot of life.

I'm going to take a new angle on how I approach things and where my priorities lie.

else I'll run out of wick :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day #329 - Wolverine

I sat down to draw tonight, it was about 10:45PM and I was going to draw some random character, a big muscular oafish dude. with a big chin.

then for some reason I decided to draw Wolverine.

It's not the greatest but I'm tired and it'll do.

I'm pretty happy with the proportions though which is a pleasant change.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day #328 - Grumpy Lumpy

for some reason I was reminiscing about Ron Cameron's artwork, he was the lead artist for Blockhead skateboards, maybe it's because of Mackie's profile pics? not sure? but he does have a unique style and my most memorable pic of his was this old grumpy bloke in a trench coat. It got me thinking of Grumpy old men.

Why is it that old men get grumpy?

Is it because they now that the end is nigh? or is it that they feel that 'young people' don't respect them? or is the music too loud?

Well I know one thing, if I make it to be old I won't be grumpy, I'll be grateful.

Grumpy old blokes don't have to work, generally don't have a mortgage, are usually hard of hearing so music can't be loud enough and every day that they are still breathing is a blessing in itself. So, why be grumpy?

I just don't get it.

And it's usually just the men, old women just tend to become more eccentric and own more cats.

So to all you old grumpy blokes out there, chin up! start thinking about all the beautiful things in your life, be grateful for what you have and remember that young people don't respect anything and you'll lead a much happier existence.

You never know, you might actually live longer!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day #327 - Happy Birthday Jho (belated)

the guy who inspired me to do this crazy project is my BIL Jhoven.

I thank him and at the same time blame him! haha!

I couldn't not draw a picture of him for his birthday, it was Thursday but I wanted a little extra time to draw something "nice" for him.

Back in the 90s there was a poster of Michael Jordan titled simply WINGS, with a picture of MJ holding a ball with his arms outstretched and a cool William Blake quote. I remember this poster from Lester's bedroom wall, it was super cool. Probably one of the coolest posters ever.

So, I thought I'd draw (or attempt to anyway) Jho in his own WINGS poster, except that Jho would be touting different wings on his, he would be loving displaying the wings of a chicken as homage to his beloved Adobo!

Happy Birthday Jho! I hope you had a good one! (38 to go you bastard!)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day #326 - Jackie Robinson

On this day in 1947 Jackie Robinson changed history forever by becoming the first black player to play professional baseball.

Whilst there were better black players around Satchel Paige is one that comes to mind Jackie was more marketable, Satchel eventually became the oldest Rookie in baseball getting his debut at 42 and playing until 47.

Jackie played for the Brooklyn Dodgers, Jackie earned the "Rookie of the Year" award and never looked back.

He wore number 42, Douglas Adams in a homage to Jackie made the "meaning of life" question his number in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" which is pretty deep.

Actually I just made that up, but it would be pretty cool if it were true.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day #325 - JB

The last couple of nights I've been watching through my back catalogue of movies, one of those is Tenacious D and the pick of Destiny.

So I thought I'd try to draw Jack Black out of that, it doesn't really look like him but I don't really care.

I enjoyed little bits of this movie but overall it's pretty crappy.

I'm still thinking about Sucker Punch, there's a message there somewhere but I'm not sure what it is.

I think I have to convince Lester of why it was so good, Reality, Fantasy, Fantasy but in the end there was no escaping Reality and Scott Glenn's one liners were a thing of beauty.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day #324 - what?

I sat down to draw and thought about drawing something then got distracted by Jack Black in the Pick of Destiny and about 30 mins later this is how my paper looked.

not sure how I got to here and why little black skateboarders are everywhere but it's there nonetheless.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day #323 - 50 years on

Today was the 50th Anniversary of Yuri Gegarin's voyage into space, the first human to do so.

The saddest thing is that Yuri died in a plane crash at the age of 34 just 8 years after his flight.

So i had this great plan to draw his portrait and a spaceship orbiting the Earth.

then Ed txted me about going to the movies.....

So I banged this out between Hawk's soccer training and the 9:30 session of Sucker Punch.

This is the insignia that he wore on the patch on his uniform.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 322 - PTM!

Tonight I was walking through TGV back into Town hall train station after my chiropractor appointment, I had the crazy song "right on track" by the Breakfast Club running through my head and all I could think of was John Kricfalusi and his wacky characters.

This is the guy responsible for Ren and Stimpy, which is still one of those genre defining cartoons, when everything else was product placed crud to peddle shit to kids out came the strangest weirdest cartoons you would see. It is like Bugs Bunny crossed with the ghetto and filled with grotesque yet lovable characters.

I think I'm going to try to get my hands on the original series, once they kicked off Kricfalusi the quality went rapidly downhill, shame. This what happens when you remove the creator.

It happened to Apple when they ousted Jobs, they were lucky to get him back. Unfortunately Ren and Stimpy never got John back to save them.

Reading his blog you understand that he is really a purest with animation and he's been working in the industry for a long long time. He seems a bit of a nut job but hey, who isn't?

Anyway, I wanted to pay a little homage to the great man and this was the only one I wanted to draw tonight, the greatest superhero ever! POWDERED TOAST MAN!!!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day #321 - the wisdom of 5

Today whilst coming home from Grandma's Hawk murmured out something that made me crack up, this is what he said;

"I bet there's 1 billion light globes in the sun"

To which I asked "because it's so bright?"

he replied "yeah, and about 4 billion ovens!"

I love a 5 year old's logic.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day #320 - moths

today Hawk came running out of the toilet saying that there is a big flying insect in there and I need to go and kill it because it looked dangerous.

So of course being the overprotective father that I am I thought the worst, a wasp? a bee? a dragonfly? a big ass German cockroach?


a moth

in fact, a very very small moth.

So I told Hawk that it's just a moth, moths can't hurt you mate.

Then I thought of this one panel cartoon.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day #319 - Bad Attitude

Tonight Vic and I watched the A Team, I had very very low expectations for this movie which I think made the thing an enjoyable watch.

Liam Neeson can't replace George Peppard but he had little screen time so it didn't matter too much, Major Dad was an interesting cameo as well. I expected the Face to be a difficult casting and Bradley Cooper although annoying was passable, there was no way in my mind that you could possibly replace Mr T but this guy was actually really good, he even had good comedic timing but far and away the best cast person was Murdoch, this guy resembled a young Robert Duvall and in my mind stole the show, in fact, he was better than the original!

The storyline was pretty predictable but it was a good fun movie to watch, you didn't need to think much to figure out the plot so for a friday night movie after a tough week it was nice, easy and fun (a bit like me)

I couldn't get Mr T out of my head, growing up I remember him being this incredible bad ass but he was also the most amazingly positive role model for young kids, he had a cartoon and breakfast cereal and he was Clubber Lang!

here are some of his quotes that I love;

"I believe in the Golden Rule - The Man with the Gold... Rules."

"When I was growing up, my family was so poor we couldn't afford to pay attention."

"As a kid, I got three meals a day. Oatmeal, miss-a-meal and no meal."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day #318 - the Pose

I'm not sure why I drew this? maybe it's to do with the pathetic human statue I saw on my lunchtime walk with Fluey, Marty and Brendan?

I mean, this guy was sitting down

and he was wearing a mask!

crap I tell ya!

you want to impress me whilst doing a human statue then hold a pose like this!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day #317 - Happy Birthday Mum!

I love you so much! I hope you had a wonderful day and have many more to come!