what the hell is this about?

Several friends have embarked on their own P365 journey but as I have no camera nor an eye for photography I've decided to try to complete "a doodle a day" for an entire year. Most will be in my little Derwent A5 sketch book but some could end up being from the corner of some document or scribbled on a newspaper. As the year progresses I will try my hand at inking them as well?

If some of them don't make sense, don't worry, they're probably not meant to. You may notice there will be certain themes along the way and if you know me you'll know why.

I hope you enjoy.

Okay, here goes, every day til I'm 39.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day #99 - Adobo

by request, here is my representation of the world famous and extremely popular (just not with me) Adobo.

hopefully you like this one Jho/Noldyz?

thanks for the request, it was fun to do.

And if you are serious I'd be honoured to suit up next to you guys.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day #98 - Hip Hop Hippo and the Crunk Skunk

Ever since watching Beat Street Hip Hop is all I have had on my mind, so naturally I've been thinking of what to draw

Then when putting Hawk to bed tonight he asked me what I was going to draw, so the quick thinking me said "Hippopotamus" to which he laughed and said you can't draw a hip-hop-amus.

He's a little genius!

So naturally he had to be in DMC threads, so whilst looking for some pics to reference to make sure I get it right I stumble upon Lil Jon and naturally think WHAT!? OKAY! YEAH!!!! and the Crunk Skunk was born.

Thanks to Peterpotamus and Pepe Le Pew for the basis and the rest is history.

I had to ink it, that skunk would have consumed 3 pencils!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day #97 - the magical skateboard

in Year 11 English we were given an assignment to write a children's book, we could do it in pairs or on our own.

As I was 16 there was only one topic that this book would have been on.


But how would we make it for kids?

Well, Paul Hoffman (my "twin brother") and I came up with a novel idea, we made it magical.

We always planned on doing it A4 size per page but as we were both 16 it ended up just being 6 panels per A4. I think we got decent marks on it but there was some comment like "would have been nicer if you'd made the pictures bigger" or something like that.

Well, I'd forgotten about it until about 10 years ago when Hof on one of his visits up from sunny Moruya and in between gigs hosting his show on EAR FM gave me a photocopy of the original (I bet he still has the original).

Again I'd forgotten about it until yesterday when looking through an old box of papers in the garage I came across it again, so I thought I'd redraw it for old time sakes and seeing as though there are 18 panels I can do this as part of my project.

then I'll print it out and give my old 'twin' a copy of his own :)

So here is the new front cover.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day #96 - MLFF FC

Lester and I play an online Football Manager game www.hattrick.org and when lost for an idea tonight Lest mentioned that I should design a logo for my team.

So this is what I came up with.

The team is named in honour of one of my favourite skits from the tv show "In Living Colour", this was a comedy sketch show in the 90s that had stars such as Jim Carrey, Damon Wayans (about 8 Wayans were in it), David Alan Grier, Jamie Foxx, Chris Rock and also a little known 'Fly Girl' Jennifer Lopez.

The home ground of MLFF FC is "the pit of carkoon" and the home fans (1059 current members) are referred to as the almighty saarlac.

The team currently is sitting in 3rd position in the league and was runners up last season.

the goal of the team this season is to maintain a respectable top 4 finish and finally get the finances under control by limiting the spending of the over zealous manager.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day #95 -102 today

Dad has been hassling me to draw a picture of 'the Don' for him as he's had a portrait that Daniel Jackson did for him on the wall for about 20 years, so I thought I'd have a crack at it on his birthday (the Don's not Dad's).

Anyway, the greatest cricketer that has ever lived would have turned 102 today and some argue that he is the greatest sportsman of all time due to the fact that his record far exceeds that of any other player and to think that we didn't even get his best years as they were lost to war time.

He must have been phenomenal to watch, I mean I've watched the two greatest batsmen that I'll ever see (Lara and Tendulkar) and they only averaged just over half of what Bradman averaged.

Well Dad, I hope you like your Bradman, if you want it for your wall you are welcome to it mate.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day #94 - Breakin out my inner grizzly

since we have a 10:15 game tonight I had to draw early, we're playing against a team that we've never beaten so I need to stop being the non-jumping elephant in the middle and break out with my inner grizzly, hell I probably look more intimidating than anyone out there, I might as well make the most of it.

hopefully I won't hibernate at half time.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day #93 - Happy Birthday Big Brother

Today is the Pict's birthday so I wanted to draw him some of his namesakes.

Of course I didn't know what they look like as there is little to be found on them.

Anyway, started this one about 11pm so here is the best I could do in under an hour.

At dinner tonight when I told him that I still had to draw a picture he jested that he thought that I'd have a dozen or so spares ready to go for nights like this, I told him that the idea of a doodle a day means that this is a drawing that I draw on that day for whatever reason.

Happy Birthday Mark, hope you had a great day and I hope you like your Picts! (defeated only through breeding!)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day #92 - Running for Hope

my good friend Adrian aka Larry Leprechaun is again putting his body through torture to raise money for a very noble cause


All day I've been thinking of nothing else, so naturally he had to be the subject of my drawing today.

Larry completes events entirely in his Leprechaun outfit, it would kill me to even think of attempting these runs in normal running clothes let alone a costume.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and if you need assistance with your tax related matters Larry can help you there as well!

Adrian is an inspiration to all of us and a person I am proud to call my friend. (yes I know I haven't done my return yet Rafters).

Go to his website and donate! every little bit helps.

for more info go to http://www.bearsofhope.org.au/ or find the Bears of Hope page on facebook

Rafters I hope you like my little doodle.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day #91 - bike-ish

Okay, tonight I realised I can't draw bikes for shit!

I really was trying to draw a Santa Cruz frame with nice big MTB Tuffs with slicks (white) because tread just slows you down! and BMX pedals because strapping yourself in is cheating, plus you can't do a Superman seat grab if your feet are strapped in.

Alright, so I don't know about bikes, but I know what I like and I like Santa Cruz.

They made the best decks in the 90s so naturally I believe that they make the best bikes, mainly because they were founded by Rob Roskopp.

Me on a Santa Cruz bike is like the kid that turns up to cricket with the $600 bat that can't play for shit.

Nevertheless I will have her! oh yes I will!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day #90 - Aeon Flux

Hawk and I were watching Ghost in the Shell today which got me thinking about Aeon. Vic and I are watching Salt tonight which also got me thinking about Aeon, I think the coolest thing about Aeon is her strength and Independence whilst having softer side with her crush on Trevor Goodchild.

I first started watching Aeon via MTV's Liquid Television back in the early 1990s, Les, Mitch, Ed and I used to sit around watch old dodgy VHS recordings I'd made of it, it was a very very cool show. (Mitch bought me the official tape a year or so later)

Liquid Television was a 30 minute show made up lots of different segments each lasting a couple of minutes, it was the launching pad for Beavis and Butthead as well as Aeon and Stick Figure theater. It was also the first time that I got exposed to the Fleischer Brother's works with Koko's earth controls, still blows my mind how cool that was considering it was done in 1928! check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ysCS1NB0zE this was produced the same year Disney released Steam boat Willie (Mickey)! which do you think is better?

anyway I digress...

I think the thing I loved about Aeon, apart from the amazingly cool artwork and the ultra cool characters was the fact that in the Liquid Television shorts Aeon died every episode so you knew it was coming but you just couldn't pick when.

After the success of the shorts on LT they syndicated a series and then in 2004(I think) they made the live action version starring Charlize Theron, I haven't seen it myself but apparently it's not too bad?

I roughed this just after lunch today and left it sitting next to my laptop, when I came back to it this evening I found that Mika had made a contribution to it, the fact that she didn't scribble all over the page made me happy but also made me leave her little contribution, maybe she thought the blank piece on the left needed something on it.....anyway I'll shut up now because Vic is hassling me to go and watch Salt.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day #89 - a leisurely ride on the Lawmaster

Doing these drawings has really renewed my interest in Judge Dredd, I am not at the level of doing these straight out of my head due to the unfamiliar ground of recent time but once I nail my proportioning I'll feel a lot more comfortable.

When I think of Judge Dredd I can't help but think of the horrible screen adaptation with Stallone and Rob Schneider, I did like the way they did the Lawmaster and would have loved to see more action on it. oh that's right Amand Asante played Stallone's twin haha. They just piled it full of crap that made it a bit ordinary but at least it wasn't anywhere near as bad as the 2 adaptations of the Punisher.

Whilst surfing around though I found a cool thing has happened, they are making another Judge Dredd and this one is rumoured to stay true to the comics, the only person I can find cast so far is Karl Urban as Dredd, not to be confused with Keith this Urban is actually quite cool and will fit the role nicely he is tall and lean with a strong chin! If you aren't sure who Karl Urban is he's the guy that played Bones McCoy in the new Star Trek movie.

Anyway this was fun, one of those times I wish my paper was bigger so I could get more on it.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day #88 - For Mika take 2

I finally got to show Mika the cow and duck that I drew her, I asked her if she liked them to which she quickly replied......NO!

I must admit I was feeling a little bit down.

Then she told me (after a long pause) hmmmmmm Isa, draw Isa for me, and Tico and Diego and Benny and Dora.

I aint gonna draw Dora the Explorer! I have to watch her enough.

So I decided I would draw her some cute puppies. Today I received my Preston Blair Cartoon Animation book and I thought this would be a perfect resource to use to help me achieve a smile on my little girl's face.

So with crossed fingers I'll show her and ask her if she likes them........

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day #87 - PSI Anderson

Yesterday Trev and I went for a walk to Comic Kingdom, in my opinion the best comic store in Sydney, talking to the dude behind the counter whom happened to be the owner was a pleasant experience, I told him that the last time I'd bought anything from that shop was about 19 years ago, I asked him if he was the owner then and he told me he was the only owner and he'd been there for about 28 years. Something he said really hit home. He said that everybody feels young in this shop and he was so true, I watched Trev excitedly scouring the shelves for the comics he had when he was a kid, got me to thinking about the comics I had and my favourites were definitely 2000AD and Judge Dredd.

When I was 18 I drew a picture of Judge Anderson from an issue of 2000AD, I thought I'd have a go at drawing her again, I'm really happy with how it turned out

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day #86 - Y.T.

I am currently re-reading Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, it is without a doubt one of the greatest cyberpunk books ever written (thank Lester for putting me onto it).

The central characters in the story are a half black half Japanese sword wielding pizza delivering hacker named Hiro Protagonist and a 15 year old blonde haired Caucasian girl (Y.T. or Yours Truly) who is a "thrasher" and a courier on her hi-tech skateboard unbeknown to her Fed mum.

This book was so far ahead of it's time and in fact Google Earth is a direct rip off of Hiro's Earth program, this book is on my all time favourite list. (actually just about anything that Stephenson or Rudy Rucker write is)

Anyway on the train tonight I thought I'd tried to conceptualise what Y.T. would look like (in my opinion) and this is the rough design I came up with, I will definitely have a go at Hiro as well as Raven and maybe an Enforcer in the future.....

Obviously I've gone Manga style and as it's concept it's very rough.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day #85 - Happy Birthday Mullen

Today is Rodney Mullen's birthday. He turns 44.

Who is Rodney Mullen you ask?

He was undefeated in freestyle competition from 1981-1989. (NEVER BEATEN!!)

These are the greatest, most influential skateboarders that have lived, Tony Alva (the original), Christian Hosoi (power and ultimate style), Tony Hawk (flips, tricks & spins), Mark Gonzales (street pioneer) and Rodney Mullen (everything else you can think of and more)

Rodney's parents wouldn't let him ride halfpipes or bowls when he was young because he broke his arm, instead he set his mind to flatland and boy are we lucky he did.
This is his clip from the Powell Peralta video Future Primitive (1985) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUc6QMr6Dk8 I can't remember how many times I watched this completely mesmerised.

Now if you think that was impressive (and I really hoped that you watched it) then watch this to see what he has become and you'll understand why http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wQj320COrg&feature=fvw he is simply the greatest skateboarder of all time.

yep, that's right, the greatest of all time.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day #84 - Frogs

I wanted to draw some frogs today, Hawk asked that I draw 10, I said I'd draw 3, I settled on 2.

I started with the 'broken' on and realised I only had about half a page left, if I drew any more it may have looked cramped, I then drew the one on the left and he reminded me of Paul from Spin City so I had to try to think of something 'funny' that he could say, I was thinking of witty lines about flies or about how his friend was so well endowed..... I drew a blank....so...I settled for this semi funny line, I'm not sure which one I like best, I love "Paul's" hands and arms and I love the goofy Cookie Monster look on the other one.

All in all I'm happy with my frogs.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day #83 - for Mika

I asked Mika what her favourite animal is, I said to her "you tell me and I'll draw it for you tonight", I was expecting it to be a dog or a giraffe or maybe a tiger...

What was her answer? A cow! (thank god I didn't say I'd buy her one)

So I said to her "cool, I'll draw you a cow tonight"

of course she added "and a duck"

so here is my cow and duck suitable for a 2 and half year old girl.

I started by scribbling out an idea on my tablet using this program called GIMP, it's a free open source drawing program that is so powerful it's ridiculous, I like it so much that I'll probably use it now instead of Photoshop.

Day #82 - Cleo & Hermes v1.0

Well I know that I struggle to draw dogs and make them look like dogs, they usually end up looking like Chinese dragons (as poor Hermes has here).

Cleo is soooo Mitch's dog, I don't think I've ever met a dog that could pout!

I'm really upset at how I failed to deliver a cool Hermes, in my head the pic was great but I just couldn't translate it to the paper, I'm definitely going to make amends with Hermes. How could you not love a dog that is grinning wildly in ever shot with his tongue hanging out, a true party dog!

If I'd kept going I would have just ended up scratching through the paper, so I had to call it here.

Asher/Mitch I hope I haven't upset you too much......

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day #81 - Japeson

Tonight I wanted to draw a monkey or an ape as I want to draw animals for the week but I also wanted to draw something related to this famous date.

Fox Classics was playing the original movie (is there any movie in the 80s that Kevin Bacon wasn't in?) tonight and it was fun to watch.

Logically I had to draw my ape in Jason's outfit.

I'm quite happy with this one it turned out better than I'd hoped, I think it's because of the innocent oafish look of the ape?

Tomorrow I'll have a go @Mitch n Asher's dogs. fingers crossed eh.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day #80 - the elephant in the middle

After 5 weeks on the sidelines I returned to basketball tonight and this is how I felt, a giant slow animal that can't jump.

I let the boys down tonight and we lost by 3, I could have and should have been the difference tonight to bring the team home.

Sorry boys.

I promise I'll work on my fitness and work my arse off next time.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day #79 - the Esquliax


A legendary horse, with the head of a rabbit, and the body of a rabbit.

Esquilax hunting is illegal in most countries.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day #78 - Dragon 2

After the horrible disappointment of yesterday's effort in trying to draw Bernie Mac's head I decided to do another of a dragon as the first one brought me so much pleasure in drawing.

Thanks to two children playing musical beds tonight I ran out of time to finish this how I would have liked (in ink) but hey, the clock doesn't wait and tomorrow is only 90 minutes away.

I think I might try to complete this week drawing animals since people and vehicles haven't been nice to me, any suggestions?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day #77 - Bernie Mac-Man

I give up on this one, I doodled a 2-3 minute picture of Bernie's head at work today but this is the 4th head that I've drawn on this drawing and I'm still not happy with it but it's 11:30 so this'll do.

Anyway, Hawk asked me to draw Batman but I hate Batman because he is touted as a "Super"hero but there is nothing super about him, he has no powers only so cool toys and bad one-liners.
Don't you think it would be cool if they cast a comedian as Batman (Michael Keaton doesn't count as a comedian), could you imagine if Bernie Mac was Batman?

Well sadly we'll never know because today is the 2nd anniversary of Bernie's passing so I thought I'd try to make a picture of what he'd look like, I don't do caricatures well (remember the Predators).

RIP Bernie, you made me laugh more than once and I thought it would be fitting that the man that sold Bumblebee should follow him.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day #76 - Bumblebee

I was watching this show on Discovery Science the other night and it was about these guys that fabricate things to be used in the movies from scratch, modelling, casting, painting etc. Anyway, these guys made Bumblebee!

They had to make the life-size version of Bumblebee for the Transformers movie, Michael Bay wanted the actors to be able to 'touch' bumblebee to get realism in their acting (I've seen Transformers and the robots look more life-like than the actors) and this model was used in the scene where they trap him in the net.

It was an awesome show, even Vic enjoyed it and for the nerds amongst us they had a 3d printer, a printer that printer 3d models, it was amazing.

So I it got to 10:15 tonight and I had no idea what I should draw so I thought I'd try Bumblebee, again, not my strength but hey, I'm getting better.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day #75 - Gundam

A while ago I bought a Gundam model kit and I put it together last weekend.

SMASH was on today at the Opera house and I would have liked to have gone but we Hawk's birthday party caused a scheduling conflict, so tonight once the kids were in bed I had my own little Anime festival, I watched Patlabor 1 & 2 and tried to draw my little model.

I don't like the way it turned out but hey, I guess it sort of looks like a Gundam so I'll take it. Next Mecha I draw will be better, I learned a lot whilst drawing this one.

Hawk's birthday party was awesome and much better than any festival.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day #74 - Dakuan

After doing Totoro the other night it reignited my love of Japanese animation and so all I could think of today was "Ninja Scroll", this is another must see if you appreciate anime, not in the class of Miyazaki but in a different class, it belongs with Akira and Ghost in the Shell and Patlabor yet apart from the very poor "fist of the North Star" it's the only decent film set in Feudal Japan. It follows three main characters, a vagabond ninja name Jubei, a poisonous female ninja Kagero and the government spy and leader of the trio Dakuan (dark-u-wan), together they must defeat the 8 demons of Kimon (although Jubei almost single handedly beats them all) and confront the reincarnated Gemma to stop them stealing a boat load of gold which is to be used to overthrow the Japanese government.

Dakuan is a cool dude and a dirty old man to boot.

I freaked out when I met a priest in Japan wearing the exact same outfit because all I could think of was Dakuan.

Quite happy with how this one turned out.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day #73 - What I'm hoping to see tonight

It's been about 4 weeks now that I've had to sit out basketball because of my injured 'bird' finger that I miraculously injured playing golf.

I was hoping to be back for tonight's game but my digit is still not in good condition so instead I'll be stuck on the sidelines cheering on the boys, I might try a few jumpers to see if it can handle it (hopefully it will) which might make it okay for me to return next week?

tonight I just had to quickly whip out a doodle and I thought I'd draw a roughy of 'the Jesus' in flight, maybe he'll impose a little of his divine intervention again and float a big 1 handed dunk or another dread-dribble? lol.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day #72 - Totoro

In my opinion 'My Neighbor Totoro' is one of the best movies ever made and well and truly the number 1 Japanese animated movie. The people at Disney are so impressed with Hayao Miyazaki's masterpieces (as all of his movie most definitely are) that they pay him to distribute his films worldwide.

What's so special about these movies? simply the attention to detail, they don't rely on celebrity voices or Elton John's music or a whole lot of propaganda, why? because they don't need to.

When you watch a Miyazaki film you naturally believe all of the characters because of the amazing direction of Miyazaki, the subtle pauses the expressions on their simple faces or the body language, not to mention the amazing backgrounds, then add a wonderful story where generally a young girl is the central character and hero.

Why have you not heard about Miyazaki or his movies? you really should be asking yourself that question if the answer is that you haven't.

The car chase scene in 'the castle of Cagliostro' is listed as the greatest car chase ever in a film, that's pretty amazing when you consider this is a mere cartoon.

The first time I saw 'My Neighbor Totoro' it wasn't in English and there were no subtitles yet I was able to follow the story easily and was totally enthralled by it's brilliance.

If you want to consider yourself a movie buff then certain Japanese films are a must see, Kurosawa's are mandatory, as is Akira, as are Takeshi's films and top of the list are every one of Miyazaki's catalogue.

The catbus in MNT is one piece of cinematic genius.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day #71 - Flavour of the month

Today was Hawk's 5th birthday and for the last two and a half weeks he has been playing Mario Galaxy for Wii thanks to a very kind Ian Hacker whom has loaned it to him.

Do to his passion for this game (and the fact that it is quite kid friendly) we decided to buy him Mario Galaxy 2 for his birthday.

So I thought I'd draw him a little bit of Mario and quite surprisingly Toad and the star were harder to draw than Mario, maybe because they are simple and there is less room for error?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day #70 - by request for my little buddy

As my little boy turns 5 tomorrow I asked him what he'd like me to draw and I'd draw something special for him.

He said something Star Wars.

So I thought I'd draw him a little birthday well wish from the swamps of Dagobah.
At least it'll be something nice for him to wake up to on his birthday.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday Hawkie! I love you so much!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day #69 - Rat Trap

yesterday I was rummaging through a box and I came across this old drawing that I did when I was 16.

Corrie Thompson and I had this idea to make skateboard clothing, he decided on the name, I got to draw everything else.
We enrolled in an evening college course for screen printing and were looking into the possibilities of getting a 4 colour carousel and printing shirts out of our garages to flog off for profit, hell we were going to make hats, pants, shirts, bags, whatever the hell we could sell.

For some reason we just dropped the idea and didn't go on with it, maybe because he was starting his apprenticeship and was rapping in nightclubs and I was stuck in school?

Anyway, I can't believe I found this little drawing so I thought I'd draw the 38 year old version of my idea, still a tweaked out frontside air but very different.

P.S. I always loved my font

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day #68 - NIGHT ALARM by Earle Taylor

Oh pray forget it –all the things she said
The flicker of her eyelids, and her head
That gone reflection to the lights
Of dancing halls and picture shows at nights
The perfumed flowers and burning lips are done
Forget it now-you are a soldier son
And yet, out on the sands where moon light plays
When you walk quietly after burning days
And don’t remember much the mad days stir
No man can blame you if you think of her

Vast desert night! And in your hut you lay
To dream of her-forgetting heat of day
And out there where the moon is shinning pale
Alert is sounded! Sirens shriek and wail
The bombs resound and jar your weary head
And there you crouch! A wicked flash of red
Lights up the windows, Searing, Blinding all
And shakes the photos hanging on the wall !
Over the escarpment in the dark
The Boffa shells explode and ack-acks bark
And more bombs fall and toss you on your bed
You look at her, still smiling, over your head
And curse it all, the droning of the planes
Works up to its crescendo and remains

They pound the night and light the sky and roar
The searchlights cross and flash across your floor
Oh God! How many are there up tonight
The high explosives turn your faces white
Then in the distance, there’s a muffled purr
That grows and swells and rises to a Whirr
And someone finds his voice and with his strains
Of weird, unnatural voice, says, Hurricanes
And over head they come with faintish roar
In flight formation-more and yet still more
Great steaks of silver, Wild ungodly things

And------Crouching in your hut, you think of her
Too scarred to move-too nervous still to stir
Then after goes, so it seems, you hear
The blessed sound, the long drawn out all clear!
And every body moves out and lights a smoke
And tries to treat it as a little joke
And in a strange unnatural voice you say
“Dammed silly of me! They were miles away!”

Your buddy next to you sits up in bed
And wipes the perspiration from his head
So silent after all the air-birds drone
And in a voice unlike his happy own
Says” Ill be Knocked! I’m shaking like a kid
Say did you shake” And you admit you did
Then over head you hear the friendly drone
The grey night fighters slowly winging home
You rush out side and there you see them come
In gay bravado, with their throttled hum
They dive a bit and dip their wings to you
Perhaps one less, than when you saw them go
With front guns spitting, onward at the foe
And way out there some laughing lad has gone
That you might sleep and wake again to dawn
And as they saw away beyond you lines
Your cobber says, “ones gone! The bloody swines !”
Inside again------
The moonlight filtering through
And there’s the photo, smiling still at you

Oh, pray forget it – Yardleys Cash bouquet
The scent she wore, The day you sailed away
For think you not that God sees all the scrap
And looking on say’s, “ don’t you cop that chap ! “
And in a soft and loving father voice
Say, “ He is mine-He’s going back to Joyce.”